Ideal-Theoretic Strategies for Asymptotic Approximation of Marginal Likelihood Integrals

Ideal-Theoretic Strategies for
Asymptotic Approximation of
Marginal Likelihood Integrals

Shaowei Lin

Research Paper

The research paper "Ideal-Theoretic Strategies for Asymptotic Approximation of Marginal Likelihood Integrals" can be found here.

Macaulay2 Libraries

MonomialMultiplierIdeals (Zach Teitler)

Zach Teitler also has a very fast implementation of finding T-distances of Newton polyhedra. First, install Macaulay2 on your computer. Next, go to Zach Teitler's website to download his MonomialMultiplierIdeals package and follow his instructions for installing it.

Here are some examples for computing the T-distance, which should be self explanatory.

R = QQ[x,y2,y3,y4,y5];
I = monomialIdeal(x*y2,y2^2*y3,y2^2*y4,y2^2*y5);

You should get that the RLCT = 3, and there is a 1x6 matrix following that output which means the multiplicity equals 1. But one must be careful: the matrix is a list of hyperplanes meeting at the intersection point of the tau-diagonal with the Newton polyhedron, so it is the codimension of this intersection, not the number of hyperplanes, that gives us the multiplicity.

Here is another example where the multiplicity is not 1.

R = QQ[x,y];
I = monomialIdeal(x*y);

Here, 1_R stands for the unit in the ring R and the output has a 2x3 matrix, which means that the multiplicity is 2. The RLCT is 1.

asymptotics.m2 (Shaowei Lin)

Download the library asymptotics.m2. The RLCT (exact for monomial ideals, upper bound otherwise) can be computed using the following code.

load "asymptotics.m2";
R = QQ[x,y2,y3,y4,y5];
I = ideal(x*y2,y2^2*y3,y2^2*y4,y2^2*y5);

The RLCT(I,m) function computes the reciprocal of the tau-distance of the Newton polyhedron of the ideal I, where tau is the exponents of the monomial m. Thus, if the input ideal is a monomial, the output is precisely the RLCT; otherwise, it is only an upper bound. To check if your input ideal can be generated by monomials, try the following command to compute the Grobner basis. If the ideal is monomial, then the Grobner basis will be a list of monomials.

gens gb I

The function newtonPolyhedron(I) returns the Newton polyhedron of the input ideal. It uses the object type Polyhedron from the Macaulay2 package Polyhedra. For polynomials f, the function newtonPolyhedron(f) returns the Newton polyhedron of f.

P = newtonPolyhedron I

The function tauDistance(P,t) computes the tau-distance of the polyhedron P where tau is given by the list t of integers. Here, the tau-distance is defined to be the smallest rational number s such that the point s(t+1) lies in P. The function returns a pair (l,Q) where l is the tau-distance and Q is the tau-cone, i.e. the cone dual to the face of the polyhedron P at the intersection of the tau-diagonal with P. The dimension of Q is the multiplicity of the tau-distance.

(l,Q) = tauDistance(P,{0,0,0,0,0})
dim Q

The function exponentsIdeal(I) returns the MonomialIdeal generated by terms appearing in polynomials f in the input ideal.


The function faceIdeal(I,Q) returns the face ideal of the ideal I at a face polyhedron Q, while the function facePolynomial(f,Q) returns the face polynomial of the polynomial f at the face polyhedron Q.

Q = (faces(1,P))_0
f = x*y2+y2^2*y3

The function sosNondegenerate(I) checks if the ideal I is sos-nondegenerate. It returns a pair (b,L) where b is boolean and L is a list of faces of the Newton polyhedron. If b==true, then the input ideal is sos-nondegenerate. If b==false, then the function was not able to determinine for sure if the ideal is sos-nondegenerate. Recall that an ideal I is sos-nondegenerate if for all compact faces Q of the Newton polyhedron P of I, the real variety of the face ideal I_Q does not intersect the real torus (R^*)^d where d is the number of variables in the base ring. Because we do not have efficient algorithms for checking if a real variety is empty, the implemented function first checks if the ideal is monomial. If it is monomial, it returns that the ideal is sos-nondegenerate. Otherwise, for each compact face Q of the Newton polyhedron, it saturates the face ideal I_Q with the product of the ring variables to remove components of the (complex) variety that lies completely in the coordinate hyperplanes. If all the resulting saturation ideals are the unit ideal, then the function returns that the ideal is sos-nondegenerate. Otherwise, it returns a list L of "bad faces" Q where the function could not determinine if the real variety of I_Q intersects the torus. This function can be slow, even for simple examples, because saturating ideals is computationally intensive.

(b,L) = sosNondegenerate I

To find the face ideal corresponding to the 0-th bad face, we can use the following code where we saturate out the coordinate hyperplanes to find roots in the torus.

J = faceIdeal(I, L#0)
saturate (J, product flatten entries vars ring I)

The function nondegenerate(f) checks if the polynomial f is nondegenerate. That means that it runs through all the compact faces of the Newton polyhedron of f, computes the face polynomial of f at that face, and checks if the singular locus is empty in the torus. If all these singular loci are empty, then f is nondegenerate. As with sosNondegenerate, it returns a pair (b,L) where the boolean b states if f is nondegenerate and the list L contains all the "bad faces".

(b,L) = nondegenerate f

The function slocus(I,e) computes the ideal of the singular locus of the ideal I with respect to the exceptional divisor defined by e = 0 where e is a ring variable. This singular locus ideal is generated by generators f of I, partial derivatives df/dx for each non-exceptional variable x and e(df/de) for the exceptional variable e.

The function blowupMap(R,c,L) returns a ring map that blows up the origin of the ring R with respect to the full-dimensional simplicial cone c. The list L is a list of strings that will be used as names for the new variables in the blowup ring.

The function strictTransform(I,L) saturates out the coordinate hyperplanes corresponding to the variables in the list L. The list L can be a list of variables or a list of strings that are names of the variables.

The function jacobianDeterminant(p) returns the Jacobian determinant of the ring map p.

The following code computes the Newton polyhedron of the ideal I and finds a smooth refinement of its normal fan. It then selects the 0-th cone in that smooth fan, and blows up the ideal using the corresponding blowup map. It also computes the Jacobian determinant of the map and the strict transform of the ideal.

P = newtonPolyhedron I;
T = normalToricVariety P;
S = makeSmooth T;
F = fan S;
C = cones (dim F,F);
U = {"e1","e2","e3","e4","e5","e6"};
p = blowupMap(ring I, C#0, U);
pI = p I
strictTransform(pI, U)

The function simplifyRegularParameters(I) computes an ideal whose RLCT is equal to that of the input ideal I. What it does is that it evaluates at the origin the Jacobian matrix of the generators of the ideal, and looks for ring variables that has a nonzero row in the matrix. We can then project the variety of the ideal to the hyperplane defined by this ring variable, and the image will have the same RLCT modulo the dimension lost from the projection. In terms of ideals, this corresponds to eliminating the above ring variable from the ideal. After running through all the variables, we add the eliminated variables to the resulting ideal to get an ideal that has the same RLCT as the original ideal. The following example demonstrates this idea.

load "asymptotics.m2";
R = QQ[t,a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2,d1,d2];
A = matrix {{a1,a2,1-a1-a2}};
B = matrix {{b1,b2,1-b1-b2}};
C = matrix {{c1,c2,1-c1-c2}};
D = matrix {{d1,d2,1-d1-d2}};
P = t*(transpose A)*B + (1-t)*(transpose C)*D;
shift = map(R,R,{t+1/2,a1+1/3,a2+1/3,b1+1/3,b2+1/3,c1+1/3,c2+1/3,d1+1/3,d2+1/3});
eval = map(R,R,{1/2,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3,1/3});
I = ideal (shift P - eval P)
I1 = simplifyRegularParameters I

The function removeUnitComponents(I) is another function that can help simplify the ideal for which we are trying to compute the RLCT at the origin. It removes components of the variety of the ideal which are not passing through the origin. In terms of ideals, it looks for associated primes of the input ideal which do not evaluate to zero at the origin, and saturates the ideal by these primes. Below, we continue from the above example. Note that at the end, we get a monomial ideal for which we can compute the RLCT.

associatedPrimes I1
I2 = removeUnitComponents I1
associatedPrimes I2

Alternatively, one can use the software Singular to remove units, such as 1-2*t in the previous example, from the ideal in the local ring at the origin. Mora's algorithm for standard bases, which is implemented in Singular, should do the job. Here is the sample code in Singular for the previous example.

ring R = 0,(t,a1,a2,b1,b2,c1,c2,d1,d2),ds;
ideal I = a1,a2,b1,b2,

The code produces the following output.


Singular Library

You should have GFan and Polymake installed on your system.

The Singular library can be downloaded here: rlct.lib. You will also need the library polymake.lib.

Put both files in your work directory and type the command

LIB "rlct.lib";

when you start your Singular session.

The above library should work with Polymake version 2.9 and above. If you are using Polymake version 2.3, use this instead: rlct0.lib. After downloading the file, remember to change its name to rlct.lib.


The command

list L = ndg(f);

determines if a polynomial f is nondegenerate. The list L contains information about the Newton polyhedron of f.
  1. integer with value 1 if f is nondegenerate and 0 otherwise *
  2. exponents of highest common monomial dividing f
  3. f-vector of Newton polyhedron G of f
  4. weight vectors for faces (non-vertices) of G
  5. inequalities defining G
  6. faces of G and the facets which meet them
  7. polynomial Lf of lowest terms of f
  8. dimension of Newton polytope of Lf
  9. vertices of Newton polytope of Lf
  10. if f is degenerate, a weight vector w giving a bad face
  11. if f is degenerate, the initial form w.r.t. w
* The software currently checks nondegeneracy by checking the existence of complex roots, rather than the existence of real roots. This is because we do not know of any good libraries for real root computations. Thus, if L[1] = 1, then f is definitely nondegenerate, but if L[1] = 0, we are unsure of the nondegeneracy of f.

For an ideal I, use the command

list L = sosndg(I);

It returns a list L with 11 items as before, and it will contain information about the Newton polyhedron of I. Items 7 to 11 will be information about the sum of squares f of the given generators of I. If I is a monomial ideal, the software detects that and sets L[1] = 1. If I is not a monomial ideal, the software checks if the sum of squares f is nondegenerate. Right now, the software does not check if the ideal is sos-nondegenerate.

The command


returns (1/l, t) where l is the distance of the Newton polyhedron of f or of the ideal I and t its multiplicity. If f is nondegenerate or if I is monomial or nondegenerate, this is precisely the real log canonical threshold of f or I.

To find the distance in the direction of some non-negative vector T+1, use the command

rlct(L, T);

The default value of T is the zero vector. For instance, if the ring has 3 variables and we want to find the distance in the direction (1+1, 2+1, 3+1), we type

rlct(L, intvec(1,2,3));


LIB "rlct.lib";

ring RR = 0, (x,y,z), ds;
poly f = (x*y)^2+(y*z)^2+(x*z)^2;
list L = ndg(f);
if (L[1]==1)
   print ("The polynomial is nondegenerate.");
   print ("The RLCT is");
   print (rlct(L));
   print ("The polynomial may be degenerate.");
   print ("One face polynomial that is singular in the torus is");
   print (L[11]);

Suggestions and Bugs

If you find any bugs in the code or have any comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact Shaowei Lin. His email address is

shaowei [underscore] lin [dot] sutd [dot] edu [dot] sg