Fiorela Ciroku The Organs ontology module of the Polifonia Ontology Network represents concepts and relationships that describe pipe organs. Organs Ontology Organs Ontology The Organs ontology module of the Polifonia Ontology Network represents concepts and relationships that describe pipe organs. 1.0 "2023-02-10"^^xsd:date "2023-02-10"^^xsd:date organs: defines task described has agent has place has role includes part includes whole is agent of is described by is part included in is place of is role of is task defined in is whole included in has agent role has part has time interval has console location is agent role of is console location of is part of is time interval of is current parthood is first project has organ dictionary ID has foot hight has number of bellows has range has rank has tuning has wind pressure organ dictionary ID Agent Parthood Place Project Agent Task Agent role Time interval Organ action Organ Bellow Brustwerk case Organ case Case segment Choir case Organ console Console location (relative to the organ) Organ division Division stop Keyboard Main case Manual keyboard Oberwerk case Organ Pedal keyboard Pedal tower case Pipe Console playing aids Positive case Console stop knob Stop rank Wind channel Organ wind system