# DCAT Null (incomplete) PREFIX dcat: PREFIX dcatnull: PREFIX dcterms: PREFIX foaf: PREFIX odrl: PREFIX owl: PREFIX prov: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX sdo: PREFIX sh: PREFIX skos: PREFIX vcard: PREFIX xsd: a owl:Ontology ; dcterms:created "2022-06-12"^^xsd:date ; dcterms:creator ; dcterms:description """A profile of DCAT that implements no rules in addition to DCAT's. This profile exists only to assist automated validation since DCAT doesn't provide a validator like this. The validation rules here are inferred from the DCAT specification"""@en ; dcterms:modified "2022-09-01"^^xsd:date ; dcterms:publisher ; dcterms:title "DCAT Null Profile (incomplete)"@en ; owl:versionIRI ; owl:versionInfo "1.0" ; . sdo:email "nick@kurrawong.net"^^xsd:anyURI ; sdo:name "Nicholas J. Car" ; . dcatnull:catalog a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property dcatnull:catalog-homepage , dcatnull:catalog-themeTaxonomy , dcatnull:catalog-catalog , dcatnull:catalog-dataset , dcatnull:catalog-haspart , dcatnull:catalog-record , dcatnull:catalog-service ; sh:targetClass dcat:Catalog ; . dcatnull:catalog-homepage a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class foaf:Document ; sh:path foaf:homepage ; . dcatnull:catalog-themeTaxonomy a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class rdfs:Resource ; sh:path dcat:themeTaxonomy ; . dcatnull:catalog-haspart a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class dcat:Resource ; sh:path dcterms:hasPart ; . dcatnull:catalog-dataset a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class dcat:Dataset ; sh:path dcat:dataset ; . dcatnull:catalog-service a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class dcat:Service ; sh:path dcat:service ; . dcatnull:catalog-catalog a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class dcat:Catalog ; sh:path dcat:catalog ; . dcatnull:catalog-record a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class dcat:CatalogRecord ; sh:path dcat:record ; . dcatnull:resource a sh:NodeShape ; sh:property dcatnull:resource-accessRights , dcatnull:resource-conformsTo , dcatnull:resource-contactPoint , dcatnull:resource-creator , dcatnull:resource-description , dcatnull:resource-title , dcatnull:resource-issued , dcatnull:resource-modified , dcatnull:resource-language , dcatnull:resource-publisher , dcatnull:resource-theme , dcatnull:resource-type , dcatnull:resource-relation , dcatnull:resource-qualifiedRelation , dcatnull:resource-keyword , dcatnull:resource-landingPage , dcatnull:resource-qualifiedAttribution , dcatnull:resource-license , dcatnull:resource-rights , dcatnull:resource-hasPolicy , dcatnull:resource-isReferencedBy ; sh:targetClass dcat:Resource ; . dcatnull:resource-accessRights a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class dcterms:RightsStatement ; sh:path dcterms:accessRights ; . dcatnull:resource-conformsTo a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class dcterms:Standard ; sh:path dcterms:conformsTo ; . dcatnull:resource-contactPoint a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class vcard:Kind ; sh:path dcat:contactPoint ; . dcatnull:resource-creator a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class foaf:Agent ; sh:path dcterms:creator ; . dcatnull:resource-description a sh:PropertyShape ; # sh:class rdfs:Literal ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:description ; . dcatnull:resource-title a sh:PropertyShape ; # sh:class rdfs:Literal ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcterms:title ; . dcatnull:resource-issued a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:or ( [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTimeStamp ; ] [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ; ] [ sh:datatype xsd:date ; ] [ sh:datatype xsd:gYearMonth ; ] [ sh:datatype xsd:gYear ; ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:issued ; . dcatnull:resource-modified a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:or ( [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTimeStamp ; ] [ sh:datatype xsd:dateTime ; ] [ sh:datatype xsd:date ; ] [ sh:datatype xsd:gYearMonth ; ] [ sh:datatype xsd:gYear ; ] ) ; sh:path dcterms:modified ; . dcatnull:resource-language a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class dcterms:LinguisticSystem ; sh:path dcterms:language ; . dcatnull:resource-publisher a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class foaf:Agent ; sh:path dcterms:publisher ; sh:severity sh:Warning ; . dcatnull:resource-theme a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class skos:Concept ; sh:path dcat:theme ; . dcatnull:resource-type a sh:PropertyShape ; # sh:class rdfs:Class ; sh:path dcterms:type ; . dcatnull:resource-relation a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:path dcterms:relation ; . dcatnull:resource-qualifiedRelation a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class dcat:Relationship ; sh:path dcat:qualifiedRelation ; . dcatnull:resource-keyword a sh:PropertyShape ; # sh:class rdfs:Literal ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ; sh:path dcat:keyword ; . dcatnull:resource-landingPage a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class foaf:Document ; sh:path dcat:landingPage ; . dcatnull:resource-qualifiedAttribution a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class prov:Attribution ; sh:path prov:qualifiedAttribution ; . dcatnull:resource-license a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class dcterms:LicenseDocument ; sh:path dcterms:license ; . dcatnull:resource-rights a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class dcterms:RightsStatement ; sh:path dcterms:rights ; . dcatnull:resource-hasPolicy a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:class odrl:Policy ; sh:path odrl:hasPolicy ; . dcatnull:resource-isReferencedBy a sh:PropertyShape ; sh:path dcterms:isReferencedBy ; .