Luigi Asprino Marilena Daquino Paul Mulholland Scripting Ontology The Scripting ontology is an ontology for describing the design and the execution of citizen curation activities, such as engagement activities with museum visitors, web applications for eliciting users' interpretations (e.g. via storytelling, question answering), social media interactions. A property using punning to define a restriction on the type associated to a Variable for validating the result of an action in script execution. belongs to A property relating a Task that may follow a preceding task if some condition is satisfied. E.g. If the user inputs her/his email in a form, a welcome email is sent to him/her. The task "Send the welcome email" conditionally follows the task "user inputs his/her email". conditionally follows A property relating a Task that may preceed a following task. E.g. A welcome email is sent to a user that either input his/her email in a form or whose email was already in the system. The task "user inputs his/her email" conditionally preceeds the task "Send the welcome email" . conditionally precedes The relation between an input/output of an action and the variable defined in the task. corresponds to The relation between a script and the stages defined by the script. defines stage The relation between a script or a stage and the task that is there defined. defines task The relation between a task (defined in a script) and its execution in an action. executed in The relation between the execution of a task (an action) and the task executed. executes task The relation between an entity and the entity that follows it in a sequence. follows The relation between a situation (a role in time) and the action to which it is relevant. for action The relation between an action and the entity generated by the action. generated The relation between a task and the expected input variable used by the task. The specified input has to be considered as optional for the task. Use hasInput to specify mandatory inputs of the task. has conditional input The relation between a task and the expected output variable generated by the task. The specified output has to be considered as optional for the task. Use hasOutput to specify mandatory outputs of the task. has conditional output The relation between a task and the expected input variable used in the task (possibly to generate an output variable). The specified input has to be considered as mandatory. Use hasConditionalInput to specify optional inputs of the task. has input variable The (physical or abstract) location of an entity. has location The relation between a task and the expected output variable generated by the task. The specified output has to be considered as mandatory. Use hasConditionalOutput to specify optional outputs of the task. has output variable The purpose or goal of an event, an activity, or a plan (e.g. a script). has purpose The relation between an action and a time-indexed situation. has role in time The relation between an action and the setting for the action. has setting The relation between an entity and the time interval in which it occurs. has time interval The relation between the execution of a script and the actions involved. includes action A property relating a Task to any entity (object, device, person) that is relevant to the accomplishment of the task. involves The relation between a time-indexed situation and an agent. is role in time of The relation between a stage and the script that planned it. is stage of The relation between a task and its role in the script. is task of The hierarchical relation between (actions and) events. occurs within The relation between an entity and the entity that precedes it in a sequence. precedes The relation between a script execution and the script it relies on. satisfies The relation between an action and the entity used during the action (possibly to generate a new entity). used The relation between a time-indexed situation and the role held by an agent in the situation. with role A property that encodes values from xsd:dateTime for a TimeInterval. has interval date An event in which a script is executed, e.g. a workshop, an exhibition. Event The purpose of an entity, such as a script. Goal The context situation in which a script is executed or an agent holds a role. Situation A representation of a time interval, characterised by a start and an end. Time interval An action is the execution of a task specified in a script. Action The stage in which all activities to be performed in a script are prepared (e.g. selecting materials, designing questionnaires, making videos). Activity preparation Add an emoticon An entity involved in an action executing a task. Agent Annotation of user-generated contents Automatic selection of user-generated contents Browsing In this task agents group materials in a collection, e.g. a collection of contents to be shown to visitors. Collecting does not imply selecting contents. Collection Presentation of curatorial content Definition of a User Model In this task agents design contents, e.g. design a questionnaire for museum visitors. Design Design a questionnaire Presentation of exemplar content Filtering Free-text answering In this task different agents interact with each other to create/obtain contents, e.g. answering questions to create stories, suggest actions to get rewards. Interaction Manipulation Manual selection of user-generated contents Presentation of multimedia content Multiple choice answering Picture production Post publication on a Social Media Platform The stage of the script in which partial results of activities are analysed, e.g. to develop a User Model for recommendation purposes, and whose results are likely to be used in the Running stage. Preliminary analysis In this task agents present contents to an audience, e.g. publish a post on a social media platform, show an exhibit, present results of an activity. Presentation A task in which an agent (human or software) processes contents to generate new contents, e.g. the annotation of user-generated contents with sentiment and emotions, the creation of a User Model. Processing In this task agents produce new contents, e.g. make a video, take a picture, fill in a questionnaire, write a story. Production Production of multimedia content Question Answering Questionnaire filling The stage in which results of the Running stage are analysed, e.g. review of users' answers and stories. Results analysis The stage of a script where results of prior activities are presented to stakeholders. Results presentation Rewarding The role of an agent or a task in a script. Role A time-indexed situation in which an agent holds a role. Role in time The stage in which the main activities designed in the script are executed. E.g. in an engagement activity: users create stories, share opinions, answer questions. Running stage The plan of tasks to be executed in sequence. Script The execution of a number of sequential actions, as planned in a script. Script execution Searching In this task agents select any type of content among a collection of contents available. E.g. select artefacts from a museum collection for an exhibition, select only most interesting user-generated contents, select your own avatar (among other users' avatars) in a web application. Selection Selection of annotated user-generated contents Selection of artefacts Selection of an avatar Selection of curatorial contents Selection of an identifier Selection of multimedia contents Selection of a nickname Selection of user-generated contents Sending a digital content The grouping of tasks to be executed in sequence, as planned in a script. Stage Suggesting Suggesting an action Suggesting to register Tagging A task to be accomplished as specified in a script or a stage of the script. Task Presentation of user-generated content A variable entity used as input or generated as output of a task. Variable Video production Web publication architect art dealer artist commenting and receiving interpretations commenting on the interpretations of others curator designer developer emotion sharer emotion sharer engagement interaction museum director recommender reflection self-expression service sharing interpretations with family and/or friends sharing opinions sharing opinions within a group or a community social media manager social media user software agent story teller storytelling tagger tagger tagging view interpretations from diverse groups visitor web user