Workflow: QIIME2 Step 1 paired end sequences

Fetched 2023-01-05 06:08:31 GMT

QIIME2 Import and Demux Step 1 paired end sequences

children parents
Workflow as SVG
  • Selected
  • Default Values
  • Nested Workflows
  • Tools
  • Inputs/Outputs


ID Type Title Doc
barcodes File

barcodes associated with sequences in FASTQ format

sample_metadata File

Sample metadata in tsv format

forward_sequences File

paired ended forward sequence reads in FASTQ format

reverse_sequences File

paired ended reverse sequence reads in FASTQ format

output_filename_prefix String
demux_sequences_filename String
metadata_barcodes_column String

name of the column in sample_metadata that contains barcodes

sequences_artifact_filename String
demux_visualization_filename String


ID Runs Label Doc
demux qiime2 demux paired sequences
import_data qiime2 importing data

Obtaining and importing data from


ID Type Label Doc
sequences_artifact File
demux_sequences_artifact File
demux_visualization_artifact File