DPVCG Meeting Call

27 MAR 2024


art, beatriz, delaram, georg, harsh, steve, ted, tytti

Meeting minutes

Meeting minutes: https://w3id.org/dpv/meetings

purl for this meeting: https://w3id.org/dpv/meetings/meeting-2024-03-27

Presenting DPV to EU COM

harsh: georg (not present today) is meeting the commission sometime in April, where we will present the DPV in relation to implementing consent and GDPR. Any other things we should mention?

beatriz: the use of DPV for Solid policies (e.g. Flanders, Belgium) for consent as well as other legal bases

Resource Paper

<ghurlbot> Issue 131 DPV Resource Paper (by coolharsh55)

beatriz: do we update the DPVCG wiki Adoption page to keep track of DPV use in academic documentation?

harsh: yes, people can authenticate using W3C login so that is best for now. In the future there are plans to move the wiki to GitHub

<ghurlbot> Issue 129 Move content from W3C wiki to Github wiki, and close W3C wiki (by coolharsh55)

w3id purl

harsh: there are still broken links (w3id purls) for DPV. To make it easier to check this I have created the status check page - https://harshp.com/dpv-x/status-check It shows failing urls, I need to fix this. In the future, this will be moved to dpvcg repo

AI Act

<ghurlbot> Issue 106 Propose concepts from the AI Act (by coolharsh55)

<ghurlbot> Issue 126 AI Extension to provide AI-specific concepts (by coolharsh55)

delaram discussed resolution of concepts such as HighImpactCapabilityGPAIModel (AI Act Art.3(44-c)) for whether to use the definition or to wait for clarity to decide whether this is capability or a status (for now go with capability)

discussed other concepts such as sector, where to use it

next step is to finalise the concepts where possible and then produce the HTML page for the draft of the AI Act which will then get updated


beatriz: I have contents for the DGA DPV page - how to update it?

harsh: the contents are stored as jinja2 (html) templates - for DGA it is https://github.com/w3c/dpv/blob/master/code/jinja2_resources/template_legal_eu_gdpr.jinja2. Opening a PR with modified file is an option - to test it you will need to run the whole code generation setup. Otherwise opening the file as is will render it as basic HTML. Other options such as commenting on the issue or sending the content to me via email are also okay.

Next Meeting

Next meeting will be in 1 week, on WED APR-03 15:00 WEST / 16:00 CEST.

Topics for discussion are

1) Rights Justification - finalise output and produce documentation - beatriz, harsh

2) AI Act and Tech concepts by delaram - identify 'simple' subset of concepts to add, start work on AIRO and VAIR integrations

3) TOMs by harsh - to resolve the proposed concepts

4) w3id config update by harsh

5) github issues update by harsh

6) dpv marketing page by harsh

7) dpv resource paper

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 217 (Fri Apr 7 17:23:01 2023 UTC).