DPVCG Meeting Call

23 JAN 2025


beatrizEsteves, delaramGolpayegani, harshPandit, julianFlake, julioHernandez, markLizar, tyttiRintamaki
georgKrog, paulRyan
harsh, harshPandit

Meeting minutes

Repository: w3c/dpv

Meeting minutes: https://w3id.org/dpv/meetings

purl for this meeting: https://w3id.org/dpv/meetings/meeting-2025-01-23

Alignment with ODRL

<ghurlbot> Issue 130 Alignment with ODRL (by besteves4)

beatrizEsteves: the ODRL work is progressing in the IMEC/Solid project. We have a working tool that can check ODRL policies, and have a paper in ESWC. Waiting for results. Next step would be to handle conflicts.

harsh: that's great, we have concepts in DPV about rule interpretation and rule triggers which would be good to sync with your work; share back whenever the work can be aligned between the two groups

v2.1 release

<ghurlbot> Issue 198 DPV v2.1 release management (by ghurlbot)


julianFlake: updated various diagrams for new concepts to be included; the DPV overview diagram will be updated by Harsh. For TECH diagram there was some confusion about new properties to be added - but that is now done. the AI core diagram is also pending - didn't understand what new concepts are to be added.

harsh: thanks; I'll work on the overview diagram and the AI core diagram

Funding & Acknowledgements

harsh: For contributors, please check your funding acknowledgement (we have two kinds - one directly funding work on DPV, and one funding you for something else but allowed you to work on DPV) - if there are any additions or changes, email me directly with the text and I will include it in the documents

beatrizEsteves: have updates to acknowledgements for the SolidLabs project

julianFlake: is there any central collection of acknowledgements?

harsh: No, I manually add them in documents as otherwise they get outdated or may accidentally get used incorrectly in the wrong document/version.

julianFlake: will have two projects to add to acknowledgements

discussed tangentially Julian's project which is relevant to the implementation of data spaces, and connected to Prometheus-X, which has developed consent management based on ISO 27560 https://prometheus-x-association.github.io/consent-manager/ - this is a relevant project also to Beatriz and Mark. Suggested to reach out to the project to promote use of DPV, and share our work on 27560. Also mentioned conversations with DSSC.

Feedback and Publishing

Agreed to provide a release candidate on Monday and have an open invitation for review and feedback while we also review the documents

The feedback period will be for 2 weeks, starting from JAN-27 to FEB-10. Then in the meeting on FEB-13, we can decide whether to continue with the publishing of a final version based on whether there are any major issues identified.

Review documents

beatrizEsteves: review justifications, DGA

delaramGolpayegani: review AI, EU-AIAct, RISK

julianFlake: review Legal Basis, EU-GDPR

julioHernandez: review LOC, TECH

harsh: in addition to these, everybody should look at DPV main spec as well

delaramGolpayegani: What should be involved in the review? Are we reviewing the concepts or just the document?

harsh: Mostly just the document as the concepts would have been discussed - and would also count as an issue. Unless there are major issues with concepts, we can discuss changes and new concept for the next release. For typos, I will run a spellcheck. For the document, we want to read through the sections - ensure they make sense, the notes and examples are where they are needed, and nothing looks or seems broken.

v2.2 plan

discussed preferences to work on specific items or to prioritise items for discussion in the next release; refer to https://github.com/w3c/dpv/milestone/7 - create an issue if an item is missing there that should be discussed

<ghurlbot> Issue 135 Add biometric categories to Personal Data extension (by coolharsh55)

<ghurlbot> Issue 222 Update NIS2 extension with practical concepts (by coolharsh55)

<ghurlbot> Issue 229 Update EU-AIAct extension with practical concepts (by coolharsh55)

<ghurlbot> Issue 201 Support EU Health Data Spaces (EHDS) as an extension (by coolharsh55)

<ghurlbot> Issue 234 Update DGA extension with practical concepts (by coolharsh55)

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on JAN-30 Thursday 13:30WET/14:30CET

Agenda will be discussion on v2.1 release candidate and its review, and discussing the above items for v2.2

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 217 (Fri Apr 7 17:23:01 2023 UTC).