The Law Enforcement & Justice Sector Concepts (SECTOR-LAW) extension provides a taxonomy extending the [[[DPV]]] and other extension concepts . The namespace for terms in sector extension is, the suggested prefix is sector-law, and the vocabulary and its documentation is available on GitHub.

DPV v2.1-RC feedback/review period until FEB-16 The DPVCG welcomes feedback and review on the v2.1 Release Candidate containing DPV and related specifications until FEB-16, after which, these documents will be published unless unresolved major issues have been identified. Feedback/review can be e.g., suggestions for improvements, fixing grammar/typos, additional information and references, and technical changes to files. The DPVCG shall discuss all submitted feedback and will resolve in through the weekly meetings. See the changelog for changes.

DPV Specifications: The [[DPV]] is the core specification within the DPV family, with the following extensions: Personal Data [[PD]], Locations [[LOC]], Risk Management [[RISK]], Technology [[TECH]] and [[AI]], [[JUSTIFICATIONS]], [[SECTOR]] specific extensions, and [[LEGAL]] extensions modelling specific jurisdictions and regulations. A [[PRIMER]] introduces the concepts and modelling of DPV specifications, and [[GUIDES]] describe application of DPV for specific applications and use-cases. The Search Index page provides a searchable hierarchy of all concepts. The Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group (DPVCG) develops and manages these specifications through GitHub. For meetings, see the DPVCG calendar.

To cite and understand the structure of DPV, the article "Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) - Version 2.0" (2024) describes the current state of DPV and extensions from version 2.0 onwards (open access version here). The earlier article "Creating A Vocabulary for Data Privacy" (2019) describes how the DPV was developed (open access versions here, here, and here).

Contributing: The DPVCG welcomes participation to improve the DPV and associated resources, including expansion or refinement of concepts, requesting information and applications, and addressing open issues. See contributing guide for further information.


The Data Privacy Vocabulary (DPV) and its extensions provide concepts intended for general use-cases which have a wide applicability. The SECTOR extensions provide concepts specific to a sector to support the use of DPV within that sector. At the moment, these extensions only provide Purposes which extend the DPV's Purpose taxonomy. The DPVCG plans to provide additional sector specific concepts in the future - such as Data categories, Technical and Organisational Measures, Risks and Impacts, and Technologies - and welcomes contributions and participation for these.


The Purpose taxonomy provides concepts for representing purposes for processing data or using technologies within the context of the specific sector. Where relevant, these concepts extend the purpose concepts defined in the (main or core) DPV specification. The relation dpv:hasPurpose is useful to associate the purpose with a specific context or concept.

Vocabulary Index


Crime Arrest Detention

Term CrimeArrestDetention Prefix sector-law
Label Crime Arrest Detention
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with arresting and detention of individuals in relation to criminal activities within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Crime Detection

Term CrimeDetection Prefix sector-law
Label Crime Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalOffenceDetectionsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection of crimes within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Crime Investigation

Term CrimeInvestigation Prefix sector-law
Label Crime Investigation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalInvestigationsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with investigation of crimes within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Crime Prosecution

Term CrimeProsecution Prefix sector-law
Label Crime Prosecution
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalOffenceProsecutionsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with prosecution of criminal activities within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Crime Surveillance

Term CrimeSurveillance Prefix sector-law
Label Crime Surveillance
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalOffenceSurveillancesector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with monitoring or observing to detect or deter potential or ongoing criminal activities within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Crime Victim Counselling Management

Term CrimeVictimCounsellingManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Crime Victim Counselling Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CrimeVictimSafetyManagementsector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of counselling for victims of criminal activities within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Crime Victim Prediction

Term CrimeVictimPrediction Prefix sector-law
Label Crime Victim Prediction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CrimeVictimSafetyManagementsector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with predicting safety concerns or threats for victims of criminal activities within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Crime Victim Restitution Support

Term CrimeVictimRestitutionSupport Prefix sector-law
Label Crime Victim Restitution Support
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CrimeVictimSafetyManagementsector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with supporting victims of criminal activities through restitution or providing restoration or compensation of goods and services within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Crime Victim Safety Assessment

Term CrimeVictimSafetyAssessment Prefix sector-law
Label Crime Victim Safety Assessment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CrimeVictimSafetyManagementsector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with safety assessment of victims of criminal activities within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Crime Victim Safety Management

Term CrimeVictimSafetyManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Crime Victim Safety Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of safety for victims of criminal activities within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Crime Victim Safety Provision

Term CrimeVictimSafetyProvision Prefix sector-law
Label Crime Victim Safety Provision
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CrimeVictimSafetyManagementsector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing and providing safety for victims of criminal activities within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Criminal Behaviour Detection

Term CriminalBehaviourDetection Prefix sector-law
Label Criminal Behaviour Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CrimeDetectionsector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CrimeDetectionsector-law:LegalOffenceDetectionsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection of criminal behaviour within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Criminal Law Enforcement

Term CriminalLawEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Criminal Law Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with criminal law enforcement within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Application Assessment

Term ImmigrationApplicationAssessment Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Application Assessment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationApplicationManagementsector-law:ImmigrationRequestManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with assessment of applications for validity, determination of outcomes such as visa durations, and determining decisions such as visa approved related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Application Collection

Term ImmigrationApplicationCollection Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Application Collection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationApplicationManagementsector-law:ImmigrationRequestManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition xPurposes associated with collection of applications related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Application Management

Term ImmigrationApplicationManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Application Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationRequestManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of applications related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Application Screening

Term ImmigrationApplicationScreening Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Application Screening
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationApplicationManagementsector-law:ImmigrationRequestManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with screening or filtering applications related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Asylum Management

Term ImmigrationAsylumManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Asylum Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of requests or petitions for asylum including collecting and processing of applications, determining elibility, making and communicating decisions, and enforcing the limits as related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Border Control Management

Term ImmigrationBorderControlManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Border Control Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationSecurityManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with border control within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Border Document Verification

Term ImmigrationBorderDocumentVerification Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Border Document Verification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationBorderControlManagementsector-law:ImmigrationSecurityManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with verification of documents and information at the border as defined in the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Border Identity Verification

Term ImmigrationBorderIdentityVerification Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Border Identity Verification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationBorderControlManagementsector-law:ImmigrationSecurityManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with verification of identity at the border as defined in the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Claim Verification

Term ImmigrationClaimVerification Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Claim Verification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationRequestManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with verification of claims, such as background, history, and past life related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Complaint Management

Term ImmigrationComplaintManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Complaint Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of complaints related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Decision Communication

Term ImmigrationDecisionCommunication Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Decision Communication
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationRequestManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with communicating decisions for applications related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Document Verficiation

Term ImmigrationDocumentVerficiation Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Document Verficiation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationRequestManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with verification of documents and information related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Eligibility Assessment

Term ImmigrationEligibilityAssessment Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Eligibility Assessment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationRequestManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with assessment of eligibility related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Expired Permit Management

Term ImmigrationExpiredPermitManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Expired Permit Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationSecurityManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of expired visas, authorisations, and other permits related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Fraud Management

Term ImmigrationFraudManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Fraud Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationSecurityManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection and prevention of fraud related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Health Risk Detection

Term ImmigrationHealthRiskDetection Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Health Risk Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationHealthRiskManagementsector-law:ImmigrationSecurityManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes related to detecting health risks as part of security related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Health Risk Management

Term ImmigrationHealthRiskManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Health Risk Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationSecurityManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes related to management of health risks as part of security related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Health Risk Prediction

Term ImmigrationHealthRiskPrediction Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Health Risk Prediction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationHealthRiskManagementsector-law:ImmigrationSecurityManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes related to predicting health risks as part of security related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Identity Verification

Term ImmigrationIdentityVerification Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Identity Verification
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:IdentityVerificationdpv:Verificationdpv:EnforceSecuritydpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationRequestManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with verificiation of identity related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Management

Term ImmigrationManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Migration Management

Term ImmigrationMigrationManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Migration Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of requests or petitions for migration including collecting and processing of applications, determining elibility, making and communicating decisions, and enforcing the limits as related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Request Management

Term ImmigrationRequestManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Request Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of requests related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Residency Permit Management

Term ImmigrationResidencyPermitManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Residency Permit Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of residency permits, including collecting and processing of applications, determining elibility, making and communicating decisions, and enforcing the limits as related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Security Management

Term ImmigrationSecurityManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Security Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes related to management of security related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Transit Permit Management

Term ImmigrationTransitPermitManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Transit Permit Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of transit permits or transit visas, including collecting and processing of applications, determining elibility, making and communicating decisions, and enforcing the limits as related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Visa Management

Term ImmigrationVisaManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Visa Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of visas, including collecting and processing of applications, determining elibility, making and communicating decisions, and enforcing the limits as related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Immigration Work Authorisation Management

Term ImmigrationWorkAuthorisationManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Immigration Work Authorisation Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of work authorisations, including collecting and processing of applications, determining elibility, making and communicating decisions, and enforcing the limits as related to immigration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Judicial Case Management

Term JudicialCaseManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Judicial Case Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:JudicialSystemManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of cases within the judicial system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Judicial Decision Making

Term JudicialDecisionMaking Prefix sector-law
Label Judicial Decision Making
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:JudicialSystemManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with making decisions related to legal determinations within the judicial system such as in courts cases or in authority rulings
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Judicial Dispute Management

Term JudicialDisputeManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Judicial Dispute Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:JudicialSystemManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection, assessment, identifying resolutions, and other activities related to management of disputes within the judicial system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Judicial Legal Interpretation

Term JudicialLegalInterpretation Prefix sector-law
Label Judicial Legal Interpretation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:JudicialSystemManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with interpretation of laws, arguments, and facts and other related information within the judicial system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Judicial Record Keeping

Term JudicialRecordKeeping Prefix sector-law
Label Judicial Record Keeping
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:JudicialSystemManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with record keeping within the judicial system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Judicial System Management

Term JudicialSystemManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Judicial System Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with administration and coordination of the operations, processes, and resources within the judicial system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Justice Management

Term JusticeManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Justice Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types dpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with administration of justice within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Law Enforcement

Term LawEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Law Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with law enforcement within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Aid Provision

Term LegalAidProvision Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Aid Provision
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:JudicialSystemManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with provision of legal aid within the judicial system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Complaint Management

Term LegalComplaintManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Complaint Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:JudicialSystemManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of complaints within the judicial system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Evidence Collection

Term LegalEvidenceCollection Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Evidence Collection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalInvestigationsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with collection and management of evidence for investigation within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Evidence Eligibility Assessment

Term LegalEvidenceEligibilityAssessment Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Evidence Eligibility Assessment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalInvestigationsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with the assessment of eligibility of evidence for investigation within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Evidence Interpretation

Term LegalEvidenceInterpretation Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Evidence Interpretation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalInvestigationsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with interpretation of evidence for investigation within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal First Offence Prediction

Term LegalFirstOffencePrediction Prefix sector-law
Label Legal First Offence Prediction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalOffencePredictionsector-law:LegalResearchDevelopmentsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with predicting the first occurence related to offences, violations, crime, or other activities of interest within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Institutional Management

Term LegalInstitutionalManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Institutional Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of institutions part of the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Interrogation

Term LegalInterrogation Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Interrogation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalInvestigationsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with questioning of individuals in relation to an investigation or other matters within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Investigation

Term LegalInvestigation Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Investigation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with investigations within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Offence Detection

Term LegalOffenceDetection Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Offence Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with identifying or discovering illegal activities or violations or offences within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Offence Pattern Analysis

Term LegalOffencePatternAnalysis Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Offence Pattern Analysis
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalResearchDevelopmentsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with identifying and analysing patterns and trends related to offences, violations, crime, or other activities of interest within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Offence Prediction

Term LegalOffencePrediction Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Offence Prediction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalResearchDevelopmentsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with predicting occurences or patterns related to offences, violations, crime, or other activities of interest within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Offence Prosecution

Term LegalOffenceProsecution Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Offence Prosecution
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with prosecution of illegal activities or violations or offences within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Offence Surveillance

Term LegalOffenceSurveillance Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Offence Surveillance
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with monitoring or observing to detect or deter potential or ongoing illegal activities or violations or offences within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Repeat Offence Prediction

Term LegalRepeatOffencePrediction Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Repeat Offence Prediction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalOffencePredictionsector-law:LegalResearchDevelopmentsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with predicting the subsequent or repeated occurences related to offences, violations, crime, or other activities of interest within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Research Development

Term LegalResearchDevelopment Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Research Development
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with research and development within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Legal Suspected Offence Investigation

Term LegalSuspectedOffenceInvestigation Prefix sector-law
Label Legal Suspected Offence Investigation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalInvestigationsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with investigation of suspected offences, violations, crime, or other activities of interest within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Prison Management

Term PrisonManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Prison Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalInstitutionalManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of prison institutions part of the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Probation Management

Term ProbationManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Probation Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalInstitutionalManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of probation institutions part of the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Public Transport Fraud Management

Term PublicTransportFraudManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Public Transport Fraud Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:PublicTransportLawEnforcementsector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with fraud prevention and detection and management related to public transport infrastructure and services
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Public Transport Law Enforcement

Term PublicTransportLawEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Public Transport Law Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with enforcement of road traffic law for public transport infrastructure and services
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Public Transport Safety Monitoring

Term PublicTransportSafetyMonitoring Prefix sector-law
Label Public Transport Safety Monitoring
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:PublicTransportLawEnforcementsector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with monitoring public transport infrastructure and services for the purposes of public safety
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Public Transport Violation Detection

Term PublicTransportViolationDetection Prefix sector-law
Label Public Transport Violation Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:PublicTransportLawEnforcementsector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection of violations related to road traffic law within or including public transport
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Recidivism Prediction

Term RecidivismPrediction Prefix sector-law
Label Recidivism Prediction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalRepeatOffencePredictionsector-law:LegalOffencePredictionsector-law:LegalResearchDevelopmentsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with prediction of recidivism as the repeating of an undesirable behaviours or offences or violations by an entity after they have experienced negative consequences of that behaviour or have been informed or trained on how to avoid repeating it
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Rehabilitation Management

Term RehabilitationManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Rehabilitation Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalInstitutionalManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with management of rehabilitation institutions part of the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road DUIEnforcement

Term RoadDUIEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Road DUIEnforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficRuleEnforcementsector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection and enforcement of DUI (driving under influence) rules on roads
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Parking Enforcement

Term RoadParkingEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Road Parking Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficRuleEnforcementsector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection and enforcement of parking rules on roads
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Speed Limit Enforcement

Term RoadSpeedLimitEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Road Speed Limit Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficRuleEnforcementsector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection and enforcement of speed limits on roads
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Toll Violation Detection

Term RoadTollViolationDetection Prefix sector-law
Label Road Toll Violation Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-infra:RoadTollManagementsector-infra:RoadManagementsector-infra:RoadInfrastructureManagementsector-infra:TransportManagementsector-infra:InfrastructureManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection of violations related to road toll collection and payment
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Traffic Law Enforcement

Term RoadTrafficLawEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Road Traffic Law Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with law enforcement related to road infrastructure and services
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Traffic Law Violation Communication

Term RoadTrafficLawViolationCommunication Prefix sector-law
Label Road Traffic Law Violation Communication
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing communications related to violations of road traffic law violations
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Traffic Law Violation Detection

Term RoadTrafficLawViolationDetection Prefix sector-law
Label Road Traffic Law Violation Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection of violations related to road traffic law
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Traffic Law Violation Fine Assessment

Term RoadTrafficLawViolationFineAssessment Prefix sector-law
Label Road Traffic Law Violation Fine Assessment
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with determination and calculation related to assessment of fines for violaitions of road traffic law
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Traffic Law Violation Fine Collection

Term RoadTrafficLawViolationFineCollection Prefix sector-law
Label Road Traffic Law Violation Fine Collection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with managing payment and collection of fines related to violations of road traffic law
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Traffic Rule Enforcement

Term RoadTrafficRuleEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Road Traffic Rule Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection and enforcement of traffic rules on roads
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Traffic Signal Enforcement

Term RoadTrafficSignalEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Road Traffic Signal Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficRuleEnforcementsector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection and enforcement of traffic signals on roads
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Vehicle Certification Enforcement

Term RoadVehicleCertificationEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Road Vehicle Certification Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection and enforcement of road vehicle certifications
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Vehicle Emission Enforcement

Term RoadVehicleEmissionEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Road Vehicle Emission Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection and enforcement of road vehicle emissions
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Vehicle Insurance Enforcement

Term RoadVehicleInsuranceEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Road Vehicle Insurance Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection and enforcement of road vehicle insurance
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Road Vehicle Registration Enforcement

Term RoadVehicleRegistrationEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Road Vehicle Registration Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:RoadTrafficLawEnforcementsector-law:TransportLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection and enforcement of road vehicle registration
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Suspected Crime Investigation

Term SuspectedCrimeInvestigation Prefix sector-law
Label Suspected Crime Investigation
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalSuspectedOffenceInvestigationsector-law:LegalInvestigationsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with investigation of suspected crimes within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Suspected Criminal Behaviour Detection

Term SuspectedCriminalBehaviourDetection Prefix sector-law
Label Suspected Criminal Behaviour Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CrimeDetectionsector-law:CriminalLawEnforcementsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:CrimeDetectionsector-law:LegalOffenceDetectionsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LegalSuspectedOffenceInvestigationsector-law:LegalInvestigationsector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with detection of suspected criminal behaviour within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Transport Law Enforcement

Term TransportLawEnforcement Prefix sector-law
Label Transport Law Enforcement
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:LawEnforcementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Purposes associated with law enforcement related to transportation infrastructure and services
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Unauthorised Migration Detection

Term UnauthorisedMigrationDetection Prefix sector-law
Label Unauthorised Migration Detection
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:UnauthorisedMigrationManagementsector-law:ImmigrationSecurityManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Puposes associated with detecting unauthorised migration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Unauthorised Migration Management

Term UnauthorisedMigrationManagement Prefix sector-law
Label Unauthorised Migration Management
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:ImmigrationSecurityManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Puposes associated with detection, prevention, and management of unauthorised migration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW

Unauthorised Migration Prediction

Term UnauthorisedMigrationPrediction Prefix sector-law
Label Unauthorised Migration Prediction
Type rdfs:Class, skos:Concept, dpv:Purpose
Broader/Parent types sector-law:UnauthorisedMigrationManagementsector-law:ImmigrationSecurityManagementsector-law:ImmigrationManagementsector-law:JusticeManagementdpv:Purpose
Object of relation dpv:hasPurpose
Definition Puposes associated with predicting unauthorised migration within the legal system
Date Created 2024-12-01
See More: section PURPOSES in SECTOR-LAW


DPV uses the following terms from [[RDF]] and [[RDFS]] with their defined meanings:

The following external concepts are re-used within DPV:


Funding Acknowledgements

Funding Sponsors

The DPVCG was established as part of the SPECIAL H2020 Project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 731601 from 2017 to 2019.

Harshvardhan J. Pandit was funded to work on DPV from 2020 to 2022 by the Irish Research Council's Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant#GOIPD/2020/790.

The ADAPT SFI Centre for Digital Media Technology is funded by Science Foundation Ireland through the SFI Research Centres Programme and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through Grant#13/RC/2106 (2018 to 2020) and Grant#13/RC/2106_P2 (2021 onwards).

Changelog for v2.1

The changelog provides more information on concepts that have been added/removed in this version.