Cause entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

An animate or inanimate entity, a force, or event that produces the state of sharpness. Volitionality is not a necessary characteristic of Causes. The relentless impacts against the wood gradually blunted the edge of this axe. @en
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Cause  Cause 
xsd:string An animate or inanimate entity, a force, or event that produces the state of sharpness. Volitionality is not a necessary characteristic of Causes. The relentless impacts against the wood gradually blunted the edge of this axe. 
An animate or inanimate entity, a force, or event that produces the state of sharpness. Volitionality is not a necessary characteristic of Causes. The relentless impacts against the wood gradually blunted the edge of this axe.  @en
xsd:integer 7344 
xsd:dateTime 2004-11-30T17:15:24+01:00 

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