
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/fe/Event.frequency entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

This FE is used for any (bounded) Event whose frequency or iteration is described. The country has been struck by frequent economic crises. The symptoms were sporadic. @en
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Event  Event 
xsd:string This FE is used for any (bounded) Event whose frequency or iteration is described. The country has been struck by frequent economic crises. The symptoms were sporadic. 
This FE is used for any (bounded) Event whose frequency or iteration is described. The country has been struck by frequent economic crises. The symptoms were sporadic.  @en
xsd:integer 371 
xsd:dateTime 2001-02-07T13:12:28+01:00 

risorse dalla linked data cloud

risorse connesse 1

risorse non online 0

risorse caricate 1

The time peiod over which the attempts take place. @en

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