Group entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

The Group within which the number of entities in the Set changes in the specified way. During the last third of the nineteenth century, fraternal orders, featuring reform and ritual, proliferated among the urban middle classes. @en
xsd:string Extra-Thematic 
xsd:string Group  Group 
xsd:string The Group within which the number of entities in the Set changes in the specified way. During the last third of the nineteenth century, fraternal orders, featuring reform and ritual, proliferated among the urban middle classes. 
The Group within which the number of entities in the Set changes in the specified way. During the last third of the nineteenth century, fraternal orders, featuring reform and ritual, proliferated among the urban middle classes.  @en
xsd:integer 8778 
xsd:dateTime 2005-08-02T12:09:59+02:00 

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