Sign_1 entità di tipo: ObjectProperty

FN: a linguistic unit that carries semantic, phonological or syntactic information. In one sense, dog is a hyponym of itself. @en
xsd:string Core  Core 
xsd:string Sign_1  Sign_1 
xsd:string fn15schema: a linguistic unit that carries semantic, phonological or syntactic information. In one sense, dog is a hyponym of itself. 
FN: a linguistic unit that carries semantic, phonological or syntactic information. In one sense, dog is a hyponym of itself.  @en
xsd:integer 3732 
xsd:dateTime 2002-09-26T15:14:13+02:00 

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risorse caricate 1

This FE describes the general location where the Temporary_group operates, but does not indicate the possessor of the Temporary_group. A Marine detail in southern Greenland suddenly stopped communications. @en

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