
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/frame/Exemplar entità di tipo: Class

This frame concerns a specific subset of Instances of a Type which are evaluated in terms of their similarity to a conceptual prototype of the Type. The judgment of exemplariness may be made along a certain Domain. She is a model student. He's the image of a good father. @en
xsd:string This frame concerns a specific subset of Instances of a Type which are evaluated in terms of their similarity to a conceptual prototype of the Type. The judgment of exemplariness may be made along a certain Domain. She is a model student. He's the image of a good father. 
xsd:string This frame concerns a specific subset of Instances of a Type which are evaluated in terms of their similarity to a conceptual prototype of the Type. The judgment of exemplariness may be made along a certain Domain. She is a model student. He's the image of a good father. 
This frame concerns a specific subset of Instances of a Type which are evaluated in terms of their similarity to a conceptual prototype of the Type. The judgment of exemplariness may be made along a certain Domain. She is a model student. He's the image of a good father.  @en
xsd:string Exemplar  Exemplar 
xsd:integer 2252 
xsd:dateTime 2010-03-15T13:36:39+01:00 

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A set of numbers that add up to the Value. Look, you turn those into numbers, and then 592 and 74 total 666, right? @en

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