
https://w3id.org/framester/framenet/abox/frame/Having_or_lacking_access entità di tipo: Class

A Theme has access to a Useful_location or is blocked from it by a Barrier. Making services accessible to those with special needs is expensive. I don't have access to the safe. The regime has now restricted access to the internet. @en
xsd:string A Theme has access to a Useful_location or is blocked from it by a Barrier. 
xsd:string A Theme has access to a Useful_location or is blocked from it by a Barrier. 
A Theme has access to a Useful_location or is blocked from it by a Barrier. Making services accessible to those with special needs is expensive. I don't have access to the safe. The regime has now restricted access to the internet.  @en
xsd:string Having_or_lacking_access 
xsd:integer 1870 
xsd:dateTime 2007-02-09T14:14:57+01:00 
xsd:string temp 
xsd:string inter 

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