Moving_in_place entità di tipo: Class

A Theme moves with respect to a Fixed_location, generally with a certain Periodicity, without undergoing unbounded translational motion or significant alteration of configuration/shape. It vibrated from the wind. @en
xsd:string A Theme moves with respect to a Fixed_location, generally with a certain Periodicity, without undergoing unbounded translational motion or significant alteration of configuration/shape. 
xsd:string A Theme moves with respect to a Fixed_location, generally with a certain Periodicity, without undergoing unbounded translational motion or significant alteration of configuration/shape. 
A Theme moves with respect to a Fixed_location, generally with a certain Periodicity, without undergoing unbounded translational motion or significant alteration of configuration/shape. It vibrated from the wind.  @en
xsd:string Moving_in_place 
xsd:integer 670 
xsd:dateTime 2003-05-16T14:20:55+02:00 

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A characterization of the Pattern in which the Subevents recur. I could feel the steady rhythm of his breathing @en

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