Sufficiency entità di tipo: Class
An Item is located on a Scale relative to a critical value which is determined by some Enabled_situation. Generally, when the Enabled_situation is left unexpressed the Enabled_situation is interpreted to be the desirability of the Item being located within a particular range on the Scale. With many of the adjectives of this frame, the Scale is not explicitly mentioned; in such cases, the Scale is usually the quantity, incorporated in the meaning of the targets themselves, though in the case of adequacy, etc. the Scale referred to is quality. I probably have enough. DNI DNI I was mad enough to scream. I was too mad to keep myself from screaming. I was way too hot. DNI The particles are sufficiently small in diameter that they may be considered points.
An Item is located on a Scale relative to a critical value which is determined by some Enabled_situation. Generally, when the Enabled_situation is left unexpressed the Enabled_situation is interpreted to be the desirability of the Item being located within a particular range on the Scale. With many of the adjectives of this frame, the Scale is not explicitly mentioned; in such cases, the Scale is usually the quantity, incorporated in the meaning of the targets themselves, though in the case of adequacy, etc. the Scale referred to is quality.
I probably have enough. DNI DNI
I was mad enough to scream.
I was too mad to keep myself from screaming.
I was way too hot. DNI
The particles are sufficiently small in diameter that they may be considered points.
An Item is located on a Scale relative to a critical value which is determined by some Enabled_situation . Generally, when the Enabled_situation is left unexpressed the Enabled_situation is interpreted to be the desirability of the Item being located within a particular range on the Scale . With many of the adjectives of this frame, the Scale is not explicitly mentioned; in such cases, the Scale is usually the quantity, incorporated in the meaning of the targets themselves, though in the case of adequacy , etc. the Scale referred to is quality.
I probably have enough . DNI DNI
I was mad enough to scream .
I was too mad to keep myself from screaming .
I was way too hot . DNI
The particles are sufficiently small in diameter that they may be considered points .
An Item is located on a Scale relative to a critical value which is determined by some Enabled_situation. Generally, when the Enabled_situation is left unexpressed the Enabled_situation is interpreted to be the desirability of the Item being located within a particular range on the Scale. With many of the adjectives of this frame, the Scale is not explicitly mentioned; in such cases, the Scale is usually the quantity, incorporated in the meaning of the targets themselves, though in the case of adequacy, etc. the Scale referred to is quality. I probably have enough. DNI DNI I was mad enough to scream. I was too mad to keep myself from screaming. I was way too hot. DNI The particles are sufficiently small in diameter that they may be considered points.
blank nodes
risorse dalla linked data cloud
risorse connesse 1
risorse non online 0
risorse caricate 1
Process overall event which is stopped. @en