Work entità di tipo: Class
An Agent expends effort towards achieving a Goal. Alternatively, a Salient_entity involved in the Goal can be expressed in place of a Goal expression. In addition, our organization will work on improving accountability in every department. If somebody is working on the pipes of your house and you turn on the faucet hard, you get sand, junk. You could see several students plugging away at the problem. All the young medics worked tirelessly in the blister bunker. All the young medics worked tirelessly in the blister bunker.
An Agent expends effort towards achieving a Goal. Alternatively, a Salient_entity involved in the Goal can be expressed in place of a Goal expression. In addition, our organization will work on improving accountability in every department. If somebody is working on the pipes of your house and you turn on the faucet hard, you get sand, junk. You could see several students plugging away at the problem. All the young medics worked tirelessly in the blister bunker. All the young medics worked tirelessly in the blister bunker.
risorse dalla linked data cloud
risorse connesse 1
risorse non online 0
risorse caricate 1
Purpose FE identifies the purpose for which the Agent sharpens the Patient. George sharpened the bayonet to please the sergeant. @en