Jefferson <>

xsd:float 0.0355201 
xsd:float 0.108711 
xsd:float 0.0538066 
xsd:float 0.101821 
xsd:float 0.215517 
xsd:float 0.190883 
xsd:float 0.182987 
xsd:float 0.110754 
xsd:string Jefferson 
xsd:string 11081828-n 
Jefferson  @en-us
President Jefferson  @en-us
Thomas Jefferson  @en-us
110360765  @en-us
3rd President of the United States; chief drafter of the Declaration of Independence; made the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and sent out the Lewis and Clark Expedition to explore it (1743-1826)  @en-us
xsd:string 111081828 

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