Montenegro <>

xsd:float 0.0498094 
xsd:float 0.145715 
xsd:float 0.130706 
xsd:float 0.0134887 
xsd:float 0.179488 
xsd:float 0.235361 
xsd:float 0.117202 
xsd:float 0.12823 
xsd:string Montenegro 
xsd:string 08817235-n 
Crna Gora  @en-us
Montenegro  @en-us
106469114  @en-us
108273084  @en-us
a former country bordering on the Adriatic Sea; now part of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro  @en-us
xsd:string 108817235 
a former country bordering on the Adriatic Sea; now part of the Union of Serbia and Montenegro  @en-us

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