Reformed <>

xsd:float 0.117827 
xsd:float 0.124066 
xsd:float 0.192928 
xsd:float 0.0434307 
xsd:float 0.0768654 
xsd:float 0.173021 
xsd:float 0.139531 
xsd:float 0.132331 
xsd:string Reformed 
xsd:string 01691975-a 
Reformed  @en-us
301631242  @en-us
301640399  @en-us
of or relating to the body of Protestant Christianity arising during the Reformation; used of some Protestant churches especially Calvinist as distinct from Lutheran; "Dutch Reformed theology"  @en-us
xsd:string 301691975 
301691975  @en-us
xsd:string inter 
xsd:string inter 

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