barrage <>

xsd:float 0.182256 
xsd:float 0.0600063 
xsd:float 0.190753 
xsd:float 0.0823344 
xsd:float 0.0100425 
xsd:float 0.0531443 
xsd:float 0.0269007 
xsd:float 0.394563 
xsd:string barrage 
xsd:string 00987863-n 
bombardment  @en-us
battery  @en-us
barrage  @en-us
barrage fire  @en-us
shelling  @en-us
100636753  @en-us
100930049  @en-us
the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target; "they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops"; "the shelling went on for hours without pausing"  @en-us
xsd:string 100987863 
the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target; "they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops"; "the shelling went on for hours without pausing"  @en-us

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