double <>

xsd:float 0.0299705 
xsd:float 0.150975 
xsd:float 0.109721 
xsd:float 0.16162 
xsd:float 0.184981 
xsd:float 0.194585 
xsd:float 0.101435 
xsd:float 0.0667136 
xsd:string double 
xsd:string 02217452-a 
double  @en-us
dual  @en-us
duple  @en-us
302114353  @en-us
302142072  @en-us
consisting of or involving two parts or components usually in pairs; "an egg with a double yolk"; "a double (binary) star"; "double doors"; "dual controls for pilot and copilot"; "duple (or double) time consists of two (or a multiple of two) beats to a measure"  @en-us
xsd:string 302217452 
302217452  @en-us
xsd:string inter 
xsd:string inter 

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