echo <>

xsd:float 0.0428041 
xsd:float 0.11936 
xsd:float 0.025779 
xsd:float 0.113598 
xsd:float 0.186157 
xsd:float 0.248368 
xsd:float 0.204598 
xsd:float 0.0593361 
xsd:string echo 
xsd:string 05010801-n 
echo  @en-us
replication  @en-us
reverberation  @en-us
sound reflection  @en-us
104745447  @en-us
the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves; "she could hear echoes of her own footsteps"  @en-us
xsd:string 105010801 
the repetition of a sound resulting from reflection of the sound waves; "she could hear echoes of her own footsteps"  @en-us

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