
https://w3id.org/framester/wn/wn30/instances/synset-jade-noun-1 <https://w3id.org/framester/wn/wn30/schema/NounSynset>

xsd:float NAN 
xsd:float 0.0168355 
xsd:float 0.0403541 
xsd:float 0.154041  0.158128  0.166437 
xsd:float 0.0335504 
xsd:float 0.0344011 
xsd:float 0.0702645 
xsd:float 0.0  0.153487  0.170208 
xsd:float 0.158065  0.20292  0.210434 
xsd:float 0.0366567 
xsd:float 0.072435 
xsd:float 0.171941 
xsd:float 0.186664  0.19945  0.334002 
xsd:float 0.0509355 
xsd:float 0.160601 
xsd:float 0.218187 
xsd:string jade 
xsd:string 14924602-n 
jade  @en-us
jadestone  @en-us
110709526  @en-us
114075803  @en-us
a semiprecious gemstone that takes a high polish; is usually green but sometimes whitish; consists of jadeite or nephrite  @en-us
xsd:string 114924602 

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