rectum <>

xsd:float 0.641189 
xsd:float 0.0580866 
xsd:float 0.0167272 
xsd:float 0.0 
xsd:float 0.0386534 
xsd:float 0.081481 
xsd:float 0.0123018 
xsd:float 0.151561 
xsd:string rectum 
xsd:string 05537806-n 
rectum  @en-us
104289773  @en-us
105220932  @en-us
the terminal section of the alimentary canal; from the sigmoid flexure to the anus  @en-us
xsd:string 105537806 
the terminal section of the alimentary canal; from the sigmoid flexure to the anus  @en-us

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