
Slot: sample_location


February 16, 2025

Geopatial location of sample event; required default is WGS84 latitude, longitude in decimal degrees. Elevation as a string with number, unit of measure, and datum.

URI: isam:sample_location

Applicable Classes

Classes in which this slot appears.
Name Description
SamplingEvent Information about the event resulting in the creation of the material sample. Include information about permitting in the authorized_by property. The sampling procedure should be described in the description. If any special protocols were followed in the sampling procedure, they should be documented using the MaterialSampleRecord/complies_with property.


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:

LinkML Source

name: sample_location
description: 'Geopatial location of sample event; required default is WGS84 latitude,
  longitude in decimal degrees. Elevation as a string with number, unit of measure,
  and datum.

rank: 1000
domain: SamplingEvent
alias: sample_location
- SamplingEvent
range: GeospatialCoordLocation