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  https://w3id.org/kpxl/ios/ds/np/RA09t_Fn8aYx61tBMFZZNANtICwCulLyNe9fafIL5yESU RA09t_Fn8a   "Nanopublications for article 'DWAEF: a deep weighted average ensemble framework harnessing novel indicators for sarcasm detection' (doi:10.3233/DS-220058)"

This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/ios/ds/np/RA09t_Fn8aYx61tBMFZZNANtICwCulLyNe9fafIL5yESU This nanopublication date and time when the nanopublication was created http://purl.org/dc/terms/created was created on (this is a literal) "2023-08-21T14:28:25.013Z" .

Type Description This is the description of the type this nanopublication belongs to.

Such a nanopublication defines a collection of other nanopublications by directly or indirectly linking to them. Such collections can have the size from just a few to up to millions and more.

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