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 reduced pressure by specialist enemies in the non-native range contributes to invasion success RIOJournal SuperPatternInstance

this super-pattern instance https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU...#spi SPI: links a thing (left) to a class it belongs (right) http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type This is a a statement that conforms to the super-pattern https://w3id.org/linkflows/superpattern/terms/SuperPatternInstance super-pattern instance .
This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU...#author-list This author list This relation links a sequence/list to its element at position 1. http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_1 has at position 1 https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9488-1870 Daniel Mietchen .
This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU...#author-list This author list This relation links a sequence/list to its element at position 2. http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_2 has at position 2 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5522-5632 Tina Heger .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU... This nanopublication date and time when the nanopublication was created http://purl.org/dc/terms/created was created on (this is a literal) "2024-07-03T06:47:57.344Z" .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU... This nanopublication links to the assertion template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromTemplate was created from the assertion template http://purl.org/np/RABf4z3vjQ... RABf4z3vjQ .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template http://purl.org/np/RAA2MfqdBC... RAA2MfqdBC .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template http://purl.org/np/RABngHbKpo... RABngHbKpo .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template http://purl.org/np/RAh1gm83Ji... RAh1gm83Ji .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template https://w3id.org/np/RA5R_qv3Vs... RA5R_qv3Vs .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template https://w3id.org/np/RAIabr2sRV... RAIabr2sRV .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template https://w3id.org/np/RA_JdI7pfD... RA_JdI7pfD .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU... This nanopublication links to the publication info template that was used to create this nanopublication https://w3id.org/np/o/ntemplate/wasCreatedFromPubinfoTemplate was created from the publication info template https://w3id.org/np/RAoWx0AJvN... RAoWx0AJvN .
This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU... This nanopublication the nanopublication consists of an introduction of the given resource http://purl.org/nanopub/x/introduces introduces This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU...#spi spi .
This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU...#sig sig http://purl.org/nanopub/x/hasSignatureTarget has as target This is the identifier for this whole nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU... this nanopublication .
This is a local identifier minted within the nanopublication. https://w3id.org/kpxl/pensoft/rio/np/RAQtB7yjjU...#sig sig http://purl.org/nanopub/x/hasAlgorithm has the algorithm (this is a literal) "RSA" .

Type Description This is the description of the type this nanopublication belongs to.

This nanopublication makes a statement that in the context of a thing of a certain type (e.g. a mouse), another thing of a certain type (e.g. a gene) tends to have a relation (such as causing) to another thing of a certain type (e.g. a disease) in the same context.

Note that the context is not a reference to a general topic or field. It denotes the class for the context in which the relations happen. If each relation is happening in a human, for example, such as a certain condition leading to a certain symptom, then the context class should be 'human'.

The technical background of the super-pattern can be found in this publication.

This is the "hypothesis" version of the super-pattern template, where the qualifier is optional.

Reactions Anyone can write reactions to this nanopublication, including the journal reviewers and editors. When a new reaction is published, it can take a minute or two before it shows up here.

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