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Class: Entity

Root Baselink Model class for all things and informational relationships, real or imagined.

  • NOTE: this is an abstract class and should not be instantiated directly

URI: base:Entity




Name Cardinality and Range Description Inheritance
id 1..1
A unique identifier for an entity direct
iri 0..1
An IRI for an entity direct
category 0..*
Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized direct
type 0..1
name 0..1
A human-readable name for an attribute or entity direct
description 0..1
a human-readable description of an entity direct
has_attribute 0..*
connects any entity to an attribute direct


used by used in type used
Attribute category domain Entity
Attribute has_attribute domain Entity
ControlRole category domain Entity
ControlRole has_attribute domain Entity
BiologicalSex category domain Entity
BiologicalSex has_attribute domain Entity
SeverityValue category domain Entity
SeverityValue has_attribute domain Entity
Entity category domain Entity
Entity has_attribute domain Entity
NamedThing category domain Entity
NamedThing has_attribute domain Entity
SystemTaxon category domain Entity
SystemTaxon has_attribute domain Entity
Event category domain Entity
Event has_attribute domain Entity
AdministrativeEntity category domain Entity
AdministrativeEntity has_attribute domain Entity
StudyResult category domain Entity
StudyResult has_attribute domain Entity
Study category domain Entity
Study has_attribute domain Entity
StudyVariable category domain Entity
StudyVariable has_attribute domain Entity
CommonDataElement category domain Entity
CommonDataElement has_attribute domain Entity
TextMiningResult category domain Entity
TextMiningResult has_attribute domain Entity
ChiSquaredAnalysisResult category domain Entity
ChiSquaredAnalysisResult has_attribute domain Entity
Agent category domain Entity
Agent has_attribute domain Entity
InformationContentEntity category domain Entity
InformationContentEntity has_attribute domain Entity
Dataset category domain Entity
Dataset has_attribute domain Entity
DatasetDistribution category domain Entity
DatasetDistribution has_attribute domain Entity
DatasetVersion category domain Entity
DatasetVersion has_attribute domain Entity
DatasetSummary category domain Entity
DatasetSummary has_attribute domain Entity
ConfidenceLevel category domain Entity
ConfidenceLevel has_attribute domain Entity
EvidenceType category domain Entity
EvidenceType has_attribute domain Entity
InformationResource category domain Entity
InformationResource has_attribute domain Entity
Publication category domain Entity
Publication has_attribute domain Entity
Book category domain Entity
Book has_attribute domain Entity
BookChapter category domain Entity
BookChapter has_attribute domain Entity
Serial category domain Entity
Serial has_attribute domain Entity
Article category domain Entity
Article has_attribute domain Entity
PhysicalEntity category domain Entity
PhysicalEntity has_attribute domain Entity
Activity category domain Entity
Activity has_attribute domain Entity
Procedure category domain Entity
Procedure has_attribute domain Entity
Phenomenon category domain Entity
Phenomenon has_attribute domain Entity
Device category domain Entity
Device has_attribute domain Entity
StudyPopulation category domain Entity
StudyPopulation has_attribute domain Entity
MaterialSample category domain Entity
MaterialSample has_attribute domain Entity
PlanetaryEntity category domain Entity
PlanetaryEntity has_attribute domain Entity
EnvironmentalProcess category domain Entity
EnvironmentalProcess has_attribute domain Entity
EnvironmentalFeature category domain Entity
EnvironmentalFeature has_attribute domain Entity
GeographicLocation category domain Entity
GeographicLocation has_attribute domain Entity
GeographicLocationAtTime category domain Entity
GeographicLocationAtTime has_attribute domain Entity
ComputationalEntity category domain Entity
ComputationalEntity has_attribute domain Entity
OperationalEntity category domain Entity
OperationalEntity has_attribute domain Entity
ControlEntity category domain Entity
ControlEntity has_attribute domain Entity
ControlMixture category domain Entity
ControlMixture has_attribute domain Entity
RedundancyEntity category domain Entity
RedundancyEntity has_attribute domain Entity
OperationalMixture category domain Entity
OperationalMixture has_attribute domain Entity
ComplexOperationalMixture category domain Entity
ComplexOperationalMixture has_attribute domain Entity
ComputationalProcessOrActivity category domain Entity
ComputationalProcessOrActivity has_attribute domain Entity
OperationalActivity category domain Entity
OperationalActivity has_attribute domain Entity
ComputationalProcess category domain Entity
ComputationalProcess has_attribute domain Entity
Pathway category domain Entity
Pathway has_attribute domain Entity
Behavior category domain Entity
Behavior has_attribute domain Entity
ProcessedMaterial category domain Entity
ProcessedMaterial has_attribute domain Entity
AdministrativeOperation category domain Entity
AdministrativeOperation has_attribute domain Entity
SystemAttribute category domain Entity
SystemAttribute has_attribute domain Entity
ObservableQuality category domain Entity
ObservableQuality has_attribute domain Entity
Inheritance category domain Entity
Inheritance has_attribute domain Entity
SystemEntity category domain Entity
SystemEntity has_attribute domain Entity
ComponentSystem category domain Entity
ComponentSystem has_attribute domain Entity
LifecycleStage category domain Entity
LifecycleStage has_attribute domain Entity
IndividualSystem category domain Entity
IndividualSystem has_attribute domain Entity
PopulationOfIndividualSystems category domain Entity
PopulationOfIndividualSystems has_attribute domain Entity
FaultOrObservableFeature category domain Entity
FaultOrObservableFeature has_attribute domain Entity
Fault category domain Entity
Fault has_attribute domain Entity
ObservableFeature category domain Entity
ObservableFeature has_attribute domain Entity
BehavioralFeature category domain Entity
BehavioralFeature has_attribute domain Entity
DeploymentEntity category domain Entity
DeploymentEntity has_attribute domain Entity
Component category domain Entity
Component has_attribute domain Entity
ComponentType category domain Entity
ComponentType has_attribute domain Entity
Class category domain Entity
Class has_attribute domain Entity
AssemblyComplex category domain Entity
AssemblyComplex has_attribute domain Entity
Workload category domain Entity
Workload has_attribute domain Entity
Replica category domain Entity
Replica has_attribute domain Entity
SystemOperation category domain Entity
SystemOperation has_attribute domain Entity
SystemOperationDomain category domain Entity
SystemOperationDomain has_attribute domain Entity
Homogeneity category domain Entity
Homogeneity has_attribute domain Entity
ServiceType category domain Entity
ServiceType has_attribute domain Entity
EmpiricalAttribute category domain Entity
EmpiricalAttribute has_attribute domain Entity
EmpiricalMeasurement category domain Entity
EmpiricalMeasurement has_attribute domain Entity
EmpiricalModifier category domain Entity
EmpiricalModifier has_attribute domain Entity
EmpiricalCourse category domain Entity
EmpiricalCourse has_attribute domain Entity
Onset category domain Entity
Onset has_attribute domain Entity
EmpiricalEntity category domain Entity
EmpiricalEntity has_attribute domain Entity
EmpiricalIntervention category domain Entity
EmpiricalIntervention has_attribute domain Entity
EmpiricalFinding category domain Entity
EmpiricalFinding has_attribute domain Entity
OfflineMaintenance category domain Entity
OfflineMaintenance has_attribute domain Entity
SocioeconomicAttribute category domain Entity
SocioeconomicAttribute has_attribute domain Entity
Case category domain Entity
Case has_attribute domain Entity
Cohort category domain Entity
Cohort has_attribute domain Entity
WorkloadBackgroundExposure category domain Entity
WorkloadBackgroundExposure has_attribute domain Entity
FaultyProcess category domain Entity
FaultyProcess has_attribute domain Entity
FaultyProcessExposure category domain Entity
FaultyProcessExposure has_attribute domain Entity
FaultyDeploymentStructure category domain Entity
FaultyDeploymentStructure has_attribute domain Entity
FaultyDeploymentExposure category domain Entity
FaultyDeploymentExposure has_attribute domain Entity
FaultOrObservableFeatureExposure category domain Entity
FaultOrObservableFeatureExposure has_attribute domain Entity
ControlExposure category domain Entity
ControlExposure has_attribute domain Entity
AdministrativeOperationExposure category domain Entity
AdministrativeOperationExposure has_attribute domain Entity
Restoration category domain Entity
Restoration has_attribute domain Entity
GeographicExposure category domain Entity
GeographicExposure has_attribute domain Entity
EnvironmentalExposure category domain Entity
EnvironmentalExposure has_attribute domain Entity
BehavioralExposure category domain Entity
BehavioralExposure has_attribute domain Entity
SocioeconomicExposure category domain Entity
SocioeconomicExposure has_attribute domain Entity
Association category domain Entity
Association has_attribute domain Entity
ControlEntityAssessesNamedThingAssociation category domain Entity
ControlEntityAssessesNamedThingAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ContributorAssociation category domain Entity
ContributorAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ServiceTypeToServiceTypePartAssociation category domain Entity
ServiceTypeToServiceTypePartAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ServiceTypeToClassAssociation category domain Entity
ServiceTypeToClassAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ClassToClassAssociation category domain Entity
ClassToClassAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ControlToControlAssociation category domain Entity
ControlToControlAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ReactionToParticipantAssociation category domain Entity
ReactionToParticipantAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ReactionToCatalystAssociation category domain Entity
ReactionToCatalystAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ControlToFaultOrObservableFeatureAssociation category domain Entity
ControlToFaultOrObservableFeatureAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ClassToPathwayAssociation category domain Entity
ClassToPathwayAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
OperationalActivityToPathwayAssociation category domain Entity
OperationalActivityToPathwayAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ControlToPathwayAssociation category domain Entity
ControlToPathwayAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
AdministrativeOperationToClassAssociation category domain Entity
AdministrativeOperationToClassAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
FaultToExposureEventAssociation category domain Entity
FaultToExposureEventAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ExposureEventToOutcomeAssociation category domain Entity
ExposureEventToOutcomeAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
InformationContentEntityToNamedThingAssociation category domain Entity
InformationContentEntityToNamedThingAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
FaultOrObservableFeatureToLocationAssociation category domain Entity
FaultOrObservableFeatureToLocationAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ServiceTypeToObservableFeatureAssociation category domain Entity
ServiceTypeToObservableFeatureAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ExposureEventToObservableFeatureAssociation category domain Entity
ExposureEventToObservableFeatureAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
FaultToObservableFeatureAssociation category domain Entity
FaultToObservableFeatureAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
CaseToObservableFeatureAssociation category domain Entity
CaseToObservableFeatureAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
BehaviorToBehavioralFeatureAssociation category domain Entity
BehaviorToBehavioralFeatureAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ClassToObservableFeatureAssociation category domain Entity
ClassToObservableFeatureAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ClassToFaultAssociation category domain Entity
ClassToFaultAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ControllableClassToFaultAssociation category domain Entity
ControllableClassToFaultAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
PopulationToPopulationAssociation category domain Entity
PopulationToPopulationAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ServiceTypeToFaultAssociation category domain Entity
ServiceTypeToFaultAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
SystemToSystemAssociation category domain Entity
SystemToSystemAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
TaxonToTaxonAssociation category domain Entity
TaxonToTaxonAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
ClassToExpressionSiteAssociation category domain Entity
ClassToExpressionSiteAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
FunctionalAssociation category domain Entity
FunctionalAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
AssemblyToOperationalActivityAssociation category domain Entity
AssemblyToOperationalActivityAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
AssemblyToComputationalProcessAssociation category domain Entity
AssemblyToComputationalProcessAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
AssemblyToComponentAssociation category domain Entity
AssemblyToComponentAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
EntityToFaultAssociation category domain Entity
EntityToFaultAssociation has_attribute domain Entity
EntityToObservableFeatureAssociation category domain Entity
EntityToObservableFeatureAssociation has_attribute domain Entity

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self base:Entity
native base:Entity

LinkML Source


name: entity
description: Root Baselink Model class for all things and informational relationships,
  real or imagined.
rank: 1000
abstract: true
- id
- iri
- category
- type
- name
- description
- has attribute


name: entity
description: Root Baselink Model class for all things and informational relationships,
  real or imagined.
rank: 1000
abstract: true
    name: id
    description: A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand
      for a URI or a complete URI
    - translator_minimal
    - dct:identifier
    - EDAM-DATA:0842
    - EFO:id
    - REPR:id
    - schema:identifier
    - SIO:000115
    - sumo:Identifier
    - dwc:eventID
    - dwc:parentEventID
    - dwc:identificationID
    - dwc:systemID
    - CSO:bicm-id
    - SIO:000672
    - SIO:000674
    - ERO:0000044
    - ERO:0000480
    - NCIT:C94069
    - REPR:doi
    - SIO:000328
    - SIO:000729
    - schema:productID
    - schema:taxID
    - sumo:AccountID
    - sumo:AlphaIDString
    - sumo:AlphaNumericIDString
    - sumo:AgentID
    - sumo:CountryID
    - sumo:CustomerID
    - sumo:currencyCode
    - sumo:DistrictID
    - sumo:EmployeeID
    - sumo:IsoCode
    - sumo:LocalizablePlaceID
    - sumo:userIDString
    - sumo:urlString
    - sumo:UniformResourceLocator
    - CSO:catalogue_identifiers
    - IAO:0000603
    - IAO:0000119
    - sumo:identityElement
    rank: 1000
    identifier: true
    alias: id
    owner: entity
    - NamedThing
    - ontology class
    - entity
    range: string
    required: true
    name: iri
    description: An IRI for an entity. This is determined by the id using expansion
    - see also
    - translator_minimal
    - samples
    - rr:IRI
    - WIKIDATA:Q424583
    - XAPI:IRI
    - NCIT:C165071
    - sumo:UniformResourceLocator
    - dwc:usewithiri
    - RO:0002617
    rank: 1000
    alias: iri
    owner: entity
    - attribute
    - entity
    range: iri type
    name: category
    description: "Name of the high level ontology class in which this entity is categorized.\
      \ Corresponds to the label for the base entity type class.\n * In a neo4j database\
      \ this MAY correspond to the neo4j label tag.\n * In an RDF database it should\
      \ be a base model class URI.\nThis field is multi-valued. It should include\
      \ values for ancestors of the base class\nIn an RDF database, nodes will typically\
      \ have an rdf:type triples. This can be to the most specific base class, or\
      \ potentially to a class more specific than something in base."
    - translator_minimal
    - gr:category
    - schema:category
    - CSO:access_category
    - schema:CategoryCode
    rank: 1000
    is_a: type
    domain: entity
    multivalued: true
    designates_type: true
    alias: category
    owner: entity
    - entity
    is_class_field: true
    range: category type
    name: type
    - dct:type
    - IAO:0000219
    - NCIT:C25284
    - schema:type
    - SWO:type
    - sumo:Class
    - WIKIDATA:Q21146257
    - CTRL:DataType
    - CTRL:SemanticType
    - dwc:measurementType
    - GR:typeOfGood
    - IAO:0000411
    - sumo:hardwareType
    - WIKIDATA:Q190087
    - SIO:000011
    - RO:0002473
    - IAO:0006011
    rank: 1000
    slot_uri: rdf:type
    alias: type
    owner: entity
    - entity
    range: string
    name: name
    description: A human-readable name for an attribute or entity.
    - translator_minimal
    - samples
    - label
    - display name
    - title
    - CSO:named_entity
    - gr:name
    - OM:name
    - REPR:name
    - schema:name
    - SIO:000116
    - sumo:Name
    - IAO:0000111
    - IAO:0000118
    - skos:altLabel
    - sumo:originalTitle
    - AML:hasAttributeName
    - dct:title
    - NCIT:P386
    - rr:column
    - rr:tableName
    - schema:recordLabel
    - CSO:named_entity
    rank: 1000
    slot_uri: rdfs:label
    alias: name
    owner: entity
    - NamedThing
    - attribute
    - entity
    - assembly mixin
    range: label type
    name: description
    description: a human-readable description of an entity
    - translator_minimal
    - definition
    - dct:description
    - IAO:0000115
    - schema:description
    - skos:definitions
    - sumo:NarrativeText
    - WIKIDATA:Q1200750
    - sumo:Descriptor
    - csrc:architecture_description
    - CSO:architecture_description
    - CSO:concept_description
    - CSO:shape_description
    - OM:longcomment
    rank: 1000
    slot_uri: dct:description
    alias: description
    owner: entity
    - NamedThing
    - entity
    range: narrative text
  has attribute:
    name: has attribute
    description: connects any entity to an attribute
    - samples
    - AML:hasAttribute
    - CTRL:hasParameter
    - ssn:hasProperty
    - SIO:000008
    - sumo:hasVariable
    - sumo:property
    - AML:hasAttributeName
    - AML:hasDescription
    - AML:hasICID
    - AML:hasName
    - AML:hasProject
    - AML:hasUnit
    - AML:hasSchemaVersion
    - AML:hasVersionSUC
    - AML:hasWriterVersion
    - schema:hasPart
    - CDAO:has_Character
    - CDAO:has_Root
    - CDAO:has_First_Coordinate_Item
    - CDAO:has_Coordinate
    - CDAO:has_Change_Component
    - CDAO:has_Datum
    - CDAO:has_Node
    - CDAO:has_Annotation
    - CDAO:has_Remaining_Coordinate_List
    - CDAO:has_State
    - CDAO:has_Element
    - CTRL:hasApplicationLogic
    - CTRL:hasInput
    - CTRL:hasMedium
    - CTRL:hasOutput
    - CTRL:isConnectedTo
    - CTRL:isSupervisedBy
    - dct:hasPart
    - dct:hasFormat
    - dct:hasVersion
    - EFO:is_executed_in
    - EFO:0006351
    - geolink:hasAuthoritativeDigitalRepository
    - geolink:hasRelatedSample
    - geolink:hasAffiliation
    - geolink:hasAuthor
    - geolink:hasCollector
    - geolink:hasContact
    - geolink:hasContributor
    - geolink:hasCollectionEndDate
    - geolink:hasCollectionStartDate
    - geolink:hasCreator
    - geolink:hasDataset
    - geolink:hasEditor
    - geolink:hasEducator
    - geolink:hasFirstAppearance
    - geolink:hasIdentifierScheme
    - geolink:hasObserver
    - geolink:hasObservationArea
    - geolink:hasOwner
    - geolink:hasParticipant
    - geolink:hasParticipationEndTime
    - geolink:hasParticipationStartTime
    - geolink:hasPart
    - geolink:hasPublicationDate
    - geolink:hasRegistrationDate
    - geolink:hasStartDate
    - geolink:hasRepository
    - geolink:hasRightsHolder
    - geolink:hasScheduler
    - geolink:hasTimeStamp
    - geolink:hasVendor
    - gr:hasBusinessFunction
    - gr:hasBrand
    - gr:hasCurrency
    - gr:hasEligibleQuantity
    - gr:hasGlobalLocationNumber
    - gr:hasInventoryLevel
    - gr:hasManufacturer
    - gr:hasMakeAndModel
    - gr:hasNext
    - gr:hasPrevious
    - gr:hasUnitOfMeasurement
    - gr:hasValue
    - IAO:0000039
    - IAO:0000407
    - LOINC:has_action_guidance
    - LOINC:has_adjustment
    - LOINC:has_aggregation_view
    - LOINC:has_approach_guidance
    - LOINC:has_divisor
    - LOINC:has_exam
    - LOINC:has_method
    - LOINC:has_modality_subtype
    - LOINC:has_object_guidance
    - LOINC:has_scale
    - LOINC:has_suffix
    - LOINC:has_time_aspect
    - LOINC:has_time_modifier
    - LOINC:has_timing_of
    - NCIT:is_qualified_by
    - NCIT:qualifier_applies_to
    - NCIT:has_data_element
    - NCIT:role_has_domain
    - NCIT:role_has_range
    - NCIT:C62618
    - OM:hasPhenomenon
    - RO:0002002
    - RO:0000053
    - RO:0000086
    - RO:0000087
    - RO:0002520
    - RO:0002018
    - RO:0002017
    - RO:0002013
    - RO:0002016
    - RO:0002025
    - RO:0002521
    - RO:0002348
    - RO:0002566
    - RO:0002002
    - RO:0002338
    - RO:0002339
    - RO:0002573
    - RO:0009004
    - SAN:hasActuatingCapability
    - SAN:hasActuatingProperty
    - SAN:hasDateTime
    - SAN:hasEffect
    - SAN:hasWriter
    - SIO:000011
    - SIO:000586
    - SIO:001277
    - SIO:000671
    - SIO:000312
    - SIO:000552
    - SIO:000420
    - SIO:000253
    - SIO:000132
    - SIO:000255
    - SIO:000008
    - SIO:000364
    - SIO:000230
    - SIO:000235
    - SIO:000234
    - SIO:000228
    - SIO:000229
    - SIO:000900
    - SIO:000905
    - SIO:000221
    - SIO:000225
    - SIO:000223
    - SIO:000217
    - SIO:000291
    - SIO:000054
    - SIO:000059
    - SIO:000028
    - SIO:000139
    - SIO:000772
    - SIO:000641
    - SIO:000635
    - SIO:000066
    - SIO:001279
    - SIO:000300
    - SIO:001278
    - SIO:000680
    - SIO:000681
    - SIO:000679
    - SIO:000673
    - SIO:000369
    - SIO:000053
    - SIO:000972
    - SIO:000971
    - SIO:000273
    - SIO:000644
    - SIO:000974
    - SIO:000553
    - SIO:000145
    - SWO:0004000
    - sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest
    - sosa:hasSample
    - ssn:hasSubSystem
    - ssn:isProxyFor
    - ssn-system:hasSystemCapability
    - ssn-system:hasSystemProperty
    - ssn-system:hasOperatingRange
    - ssn-system:hasOperatingProperty
    - ssn-system:hasSurvivalRange
    - ssn-system:hasSurvivalProperty
    - ssn-system:inCondition
    - sumo:hasAcrossVariable
    - sumo:hasAccount
    - sumo:hasAward
    - sumo:hasDependency
    - sumo:hasDimension
    - sumo:hasExpertise
    - sumo:hasGUEState
    - sumo:hasOccupation
    - sumo:hasPurpose
    - sumo:hasPurposeForAgent
    - sumo:hasSkill
    - sumo:hasThroughVariable
    - sumo:hasUniform
    - sumo:hasVariable
    - sumo:holdsRight
    - SWO:9001002
    - SWO:0004001
    - SWO:9000067
    - SWO:0004002
    - SWO:0000087
    - SWO:0000086
    - SWO:0004004
    - SWO:0000741
    - SWO:0004002
    - SWO:3000054
    - SWO:0004000
    rank: 1000
    domain: entity
    multivalued: true
    alias: has_attribute
    owner: entity
    - entity
    range: attribute