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Class: OntologyClass

a concept or class in an ontology, vocabulary or thesaurus. Note that nodes in a base compatible KG can be considered both instances of base classes, and OWL classes in their own right. In general you should not need to use this class directly. Instead, use the appropriate base class.

URI: base:OntologyClass




Name Cardinality and Range Description Inheritance
id 1..1
A unique identifier for an entity direct

Mixin Usage

mixed into description
Attribute A property or characteristic of an entity
RedundancyEntity A redundancy entity is a operational entity
ComputationalProcessOrActivity Either an individual operational activity, or a collection of causally connec...
OperationalActivity An execution of a operational function carried out by a subclasses or assembl...
ComputationalProcess One or more causally connected executions of operational functions
AdministrativeOperation A event intended for use in the operational administration, mitigation, repai...
Class collection of items in an ontology sharing common characteristics
Workload A workload is the sum of acquired material within a named thing
ServiceType An information content entity that describes a workload by specifying the tot...
WorkloadBackgroundExposure A workload background exposure is where an individual's specific workload bac...


used by used in type used
Attribute has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
ControlRole has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
BiologicalSex has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
SeverityValue has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
SystemAttribute has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
ObservableQuality has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
Homogeneity has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
EmpiricalAttribute has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
EmpiricalMeasurement has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
EmpiricalModifier has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
EmpiricalCourse has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
Onset has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
SocioeconomicAttribute has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
WorkloadBackgroundExposure has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
FaultyProcessExposure has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
FaultyDeploymentExposure has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
ControlExposure has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
AdministrativeOperationExposure has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
GeographicExposure has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
EnvironmentalExposure has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
BehavioralExposure has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
SocioeconomicExposure has_attribute_type range OntologyClass
Association qualifiers range OntologyClass
ControlEntityAssessesNamedThingAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ContributorAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ServiceTypeToServiceTypePartAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ServiceTypeToClassAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ClassToClassAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ControlToControlAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ReactionToParticipantAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ReactionToCatalystAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ControlToFaultOrObservableFeatureAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ClassToPathwayAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
OperationalActivityToPathwayAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ControlToPathwayAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
AdministrativeOperationToClassAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
FaultToExposureEventAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ExposureEventToOutcomeAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
InformationContentEntityToNamedThingAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
FaultOrObservableFeatureToLocationAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ServiceTypeToObservableFeatureAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ExposureEventToObservableFeatureAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
FaultToObservableFeatureAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
CaseToObservableFeatureAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
BehaviorToBehavioralFeatureAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ClassToObservableFeatureAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ClassToFaultAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ControllableClassToFaultAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
PopulationToPopulationAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ServiceTypeToFaultAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
SystemToSystemAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
TaxonToTaxonAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
ClassToExpressionSiteAssociation quantifier_qualifier range OntologyClass
ClassToExpressionSiteAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
FunctionalAssociation object range OntologyClass
FunctionalAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
AssemblyToOperationalActivityAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
AssemblyToComputationalProcessAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
AssemblyToComponentAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
EntityToFaultAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass
EntityToObservableFeatureAssociation qualifiers range OntologyClass


  • This is modeled as a mixin. 'ontology class' should not be the primary type of a node in the KG. Instead you should use an informative base category, such as DeploymentEntity
  • Note that formally this is a metaclass. Instances of this class are instances in the graph, but can be the object of 'type' edges.

Identifier and Mapping Information

Valid ID Prefixes

Instances of this class should have identifiers with one of the following prefixes:

  • LCSH

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self base:OntologyClass
native base:OntologyClass
exact owl:Class, schema:Class

LinkML Source


name: ontology class
description: a concept or class in an ontology, vocabulary or thesaurus. Note that
  nodes in a base compatible KG can be considered both instances of base classes,
  and OWL classes in their own right. In general you should not need to use this class
  directly. Instead, use the appropriate base class.
- This is modeled as a mixin. 'ontology class' should not be the primary type of a
  node in the KG. Instead you should use an informative base category, such as DeploymentEntity
- Note that formally this is a metaclass. Instances of this class are instances in
  the graph, but can be the object of 'type' edges.
- owl:Class
- schema:Class
rank: 1000
mixin: true
- id


name: ontology class
description: a concept or class in an ontology, vocabulary or thesaurus. Note that
  nodes in a base compatible KG can be considered both instances of base classes,
  and OWL classes in their own right. In general you should not need to use this class
  directly. Instead, use the appropriate base class.
- This is modeled as a mixin. 'ontology class' should not be the primary type of a
  node in the KG. Instead you should use an informative base category, such as DeploymentEntity
- Note that formally this is a metaclass. Instances of this class are instances in
  the graph, but can be the object of 'type' edges.
- owl:Class
- schema:Class
rank: 1000
mixin: true
    name: id
    description: A unique identifier for an entity. Must be either a CURIE shorthand
      for a URI or a complete URI
    - translator_minimal
    - dct:identifier
    - EDAM-DATA:0842
    - EFO:id
    - REPR:id
    - schema:identifier
    - SIO:000115
    - sumo:Identifier
    - dwc:eventID
    - dwc:parentEventID
    - dwc:identificationID
    - dwc:systemID
    - CSO:bicm-id
    - SIO:000672
    - SIO:000674
    - ERO:0000044
    - ERO:0000480
    - NCIT:C94069
    - REPR:doi
    - SIO:000328
    - SIO:000729
    - schema:productID
    - schema:taxID
    - sumo:AccountID
    - sumo:AlphaIDString
    - sumo:AlphaNumericIDString
    - sumo:AgentID
    - sumo:CountryID
    - sumo:CustomerID
    - sumo:currencyCode
    - sumo:DistrictID
    - sumo:EmployeeID
    - sumo:IsoCode
    - sumo:LocalizablePlaceID
    - sumo:userIDString
    - sumo:urlString
    - sumo:UniformResourceLocator
    - CSO:catalogue_identifiers
    - IAO:0000603
    - IAO:0000119
    - sumo:identityElement
    rank: 1000
    identifier: true
    alias: id
    owner: ontology class
    - NamedThing
    - ontology class
    - entity
    range: string
    required: true