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Class: CoItem

Element belonging to a bag

URI: master:CoItem




Name Cardinality and Range Description Inheritance
itemOf 0..1
The link to a bag in which the item is member direct


used by used in type used
CoItem itemOf domain CoItem
ListItem itemOf domain CoItem
ThreadItem itemContent range CoItem
API itemOf domain CoItem
ARPCache itemOf domain CoItem
ARPCacheEntry itemOf domain CoItem
Account itemOf domain CoItem
Adaptor itemOf domain CoItem
Address itemOf domain CoItem
AlternateDataStream itemOf domain CoItem
AndroidDevice itemOf domain CoItem
AndroidPhone itemOf domain CoItem
AppleDevice itemOf domain CoItem
Appliance itemOf domain CoItem
Application itemOf domain CoItem
ApplicationAccount itemOf domain CoItem
ArchiveFile itemOf domain CoItem
Audio itemOf domain CoItem
AutonomousSystem itemOf domain CoItem
BlackBerryPhone itemOf domain CoItem
BlockDeviceNode itemOf domain CoItem
BluetoothAddress itemOf domain CoItem
BotConfiguration itemOf domain CoItem
BrowserBookmark itemOf domain CoItem
BrowserCookie itemOf domain CoItem
Calendar itemOf domain CoItem
CalendarEntry itemOf domain CoItem
Call itemOf domain CoItem
CapturedTelecommunicationsInformation itemOf domain CoItem
CellSite itemOf domain CoItem
CharacterDeviceNode itemOf domain CoItem
Code itemOf domain CoItem
Computer itemOf domain CoItem
ComputerSpecification itemOf domain CoItem
ConfiguredSoftware itemOf domain CoItem
Contact itemOf domain CoItem
ContactList itemOf domain CoItem
ContentData itemOf domain CoItem
CookieHistory itemOf domain CoItem
Credential itemOf domain CoItem
CredentialDump itemOf domain CoItem
DNSCache itemOf domain CoItem
DNSRecord itemOf domain CoItem
Device itemOf domain CoItem
DigitalAccount itemOf domain CoItem
DigitalAddress itemOf domain CoItem
DigitalCamera itemOf domain CoItem
DigitalSignatureInfo itemOf domain CoItem
Directory itemOf domain CoItem
Disk itemOf domain CoItem
DiskPartition itemOf domain CoItem
DomainName itemOf domain CoItem
Drone itemOf domain CoItem
EmailAccount itemOf domain CoItem
EmailAddress itemOf domain CoItem
EmailMessage itemOf domain CoItem
EmbeddedDevice itemOf domain CoItem
EventLog itemOf domain CoItem
EventRecord itemOf domain CoItem
File itemOf domain CoItem
FileSystem itemOf domain CoItem
FileSystemObject itemOf domain CoItem
ForumPost itemOf domain CoItem
ForumPrivateMessage itemOf domain CoItem
GUI itemOf domain CoItem
GamingConsole itemOf domain CoItem
GenericObservableObject itemOf domain CoItem
GeoLocationEntry itemOf domain CoItem
GeoLocationLog itemOf domain CoItem
GeoLocationTrack itemOf domain CoItem
HTTPConnection itemOf domain CoItem
Hostname itemOf domain CoItem
ICMPConnection itemOf domain CoItem
IPAddress itemOf domain CoItem
IPNetmask itemOf domain CoItem
IPhone itemOf domain CoItem
IPv4Address itemOf domain CoItem
IPv6Address itemOf domain CoItem
Image itemOf domain CoItem
InstantMessagingAddress itemOf domain CoItem
Junction itemOf domain CoItem
Laptop itemOf domain CoItem
Library itemOf domain CoItem
MACAddress itemOf domain CoItem
Memory itemOf domain CoItem
Message itemOf domain CoItem
MobileAccount itemOf domain CoItem
MobileDevice itemOf domain CoItem
MobilePhone itemOf domain CoItem
Mutex itemOf domain CoItem
NTFSFile itemOf domain CoItem
NamedPipe itemOf domain CoItem
NetworkAppliance itemOf domain CoItem
NetworkConnection itemOf domain CoItem
NetworkFlow itemOf domain CoItem
NetworkInterface itemOf domain CoItem
NetworkProtocol itemOf domain CoItem
NetworkRoute itemOf domain CoItem
NetworkSubnet itemOf domain CoItem
Note itemOf domain CoItem
ObservableObject itemOf domain CoItem
OnlineService itemOf domain CoItem
OperatingSystem itemOf domain CoItem
PDFFile itemOf domain CoItem
PaymentCard itemOf domain CoItem
PhoneAccount itemOf domain CoItem
Pipe itemOf domain CoItem
Post itemOf domain CoItem
Process itemOf domain CoItem
ProcessThread itemOf domain CoItem
Profile itemOf domain CoItem
ProtocolConverter itemOf domain CoItem
RasterPicture itemOf domain CoItem
RecoveredObject itemOf domain CoItem
ReparsePoint itemOf domain CoItem
SIMCard itemOf domain CoItem
SIPAaddress itemOf domain CoItem
SMSMessage itemOf domain CoItem
SQLiteBlob itemOf domain CoItem
SecurityAppliance itemOf domain CoItem
Semaphore itemOf domain CoItem
Server itemOf domain CoItem
ShopListing itemOf domain CoItem
SmartDevice itemOf domain CoItem
SmartPhone itemOf domain CoItem
Snapshot itemOf domain CoItem
Socket itemOf domain CoItem
SocketAddress itemOf domain CoItem
Software itemOf domain CoItem
StorageMedium itemOf domain CoItem
SymbolicLink itemOf domain CoItem
TCPConnection itemOf domain CoItem
TableField itemOf domain CoItem
Tablet itemOf domain CoItem
Tweet itemOf domain CoItem
UNIXAccount itemOf domain CoItem
UNIXFile itemOf domain CoItem
UNIXProcess itemOf domain CoItem
URL itemOf domain CoItem
URLHistory itemOf domain CoItem
URLVisit itemOf domain CoItem
UserAccount itemOf domain CoItem
UserSession itemOf domain CoItem
Volume itemOf domain CoItem
WearableDevice itemOf domain CoItem
WebPage itemOf domain CoItem
Whois itemOf domain CoItem
WifiAddress itemOf domain CoItem
Wiki itemOf domain CoItem
WikiArticle itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsAccount itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsActiveDirectoryAccount itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsComputerSpecification itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsCriticalSection itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsEvent itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsFileMapping itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsHandle itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsHook itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsMailSlot itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsNetworkShare itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsPEBinaryFile itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsPrefetch itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsProcess itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsRegistryHive itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsRegistryKey itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsService itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsSystemRestore itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsTask itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsThread itemOf domain CoItem
WindowsWaitableTime itemOf domain CoItem
WirelessNetworkConnection itemOf domain CoItem
WriteBlocker itemOf domain CoItem
X509Certificate itemOf domain CoItem
X509V3Certificate itemOf domain CoItem


  • item

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

  • from schema:


Mapping Type Mapped Value
self master:CoItem
native master:CoItem
exact co:Item, wikidata:Q11723795, SIO:001259
narrow AFC:0000167, NCIT:C51070

LinkML Source


name: CoItem
description: Element belonging to a bag
- item
- co:Item
- wikidata:Q11723795
- SIO:001259
- AFC:0000167
- NCIT:C51070
rank: 1000
is_a: Thing
- itemOf


name: CoItem
description: Element belonging to a bag
- item
- co:Item
- wikidata:Q11723795
- SIO:001259
- AFC:0000167
- NCIT:C51070
rank: 1000
is_a: Thing
    name: itemOf
    description: The link to a bag in which the item is member.
    - is item of
    - co:itemOf
    rank: 1000
    domain: CoItem
    alias: itemOf
    owner: CoItem
    - CoItem
    inverse: item
    range: Bag