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Class: TextValue

A basic string value

URI: nmdc:TextValue




Name Cardinality and Range Description Inheritance
language 0..1
Should use ISO 639-1 code e direct
has_raw_value 0..1
The value that was specified for an annotation in raw form, i AttributeValue
type 1
the class_uri of the class that has been instantiated AttributeValue


used by used in type used
NucleotideSequencing target_subfragment range TextValue
LibraryPreparation nucl_acid_amp range TextValue
LibraryPreparation pcr_cond range TextValue
LibraryPreparation pcr_primers range TextValue
FieldResearchSite cur_vegetation range TextValue
FieldResearchSite geo_loc_name range TextValue
FieldResearchSite local_class range TextValue
FieldResearchSite soil_type range TextValue
Biosample host_disease_stat range TextValue
Biosample add_recov_method range TextValue
Biosample additional_info range TextValue
Biosample address range TextValue
Biosample adj_room range TextValue
Biosample aero_struc range TextValue
Biosample agrochem_addition range TextValue
Biosample air_PM_concen range TextValue
Biosample air_temp_regm range TextValue
Biosample al_sat_meth range TextValue
Biosample alkalinity_method range TextValue
Biosample ances_data range TextValue
Biosample antibiotic_regm range TextValue
Biosample aromatics_pc range TextValue
Biosample asphaltenes_pc range TextValue
Biosample atmospheric_data range TextValue
Biosample avg_occup range TextValue
Biosample basin range TextValue
Biosample bathroom_count range TextValue
Biosample bedroom_count range TextValue
Biosample biocide range TextValue
Biosample biocide_admin_method range TextValue
Biosample biomass range TextValue
Biosample biotic_regm range TextValue
Biosample built_struc_set range TextValue
Biosample built_struc_type range TextValue
Biosample ceil_struc range TextValue
Biosample ceil_water_mold range TextValue
Biosample chem_mutagen range TextValue
Biosample chem_treatment range TextValue
Biosample climate_environment range TextValue
Biosample cool_syst_id range TextValue
Biosample crop_rotation range TextValue
Biosample cult_root_med range TextValue
Biosample cur_vegetation range TextValue
Biosample cur_vegetation_meth range TextValue
Biosample diether_lipids range TextValue
Biosample door_water_mold range TextValue
Biosample elevator range TextValue
Biosample emulsions range TextValue
Biosample env_package range TextValue
Biosample escalator range TextValue
Biosample ext_door range TextValue
Biosample fertilizer_regm range TextValue
Biosample field range TextValue
Biosample fireplace_type range TextValue
Biosample floor_count range TextValue
Biosample fungicide_regm range TextValue
Biosample gaseous_environment range TextValue
Biosample gaseous_substances range TextValue
Biosample genetic_mod range TextValue
Biosample geo_loc_name range TextValue
Biosample gravidity range TextValue
Biosample gravity range TextValue
Biosample growth_hormone_regm range TextValue
Biosample hall_count range TextValue
Biosample hcr_pressure range TextValue
Biosample hcr_temp range TextValue
Biosample heat_system_id range TextValue
Biosample heavy_metals range TextValue
Biosample heavy_metals_meth range TextValue
Biosample herbicide_regm range TextValue
Biosample horizon_meth range TextValue
Biosample host_body_habitat range TextValue
Biosample host_color range TextValue
Biosample host_common_name range TextValue
Biosample host_diet range TextValue
Biosample host_genotype range TextValue
Biosample host_growth_cond range TextValue
Biosample host_last_meal range TextValue
Biosample host_life_stage range TextValue
Biosample host_shape range TextValue
Biosample host_subject_id range TextValue
Biosample host_substrate range TextValue
Biosample humidity_regm range TextValue
Biosample inorg_particles range TextValue
Biosample light_regm range TextValue
Biosample link_addit_analys range TextValue
Biosample link_class_info range TextValue
Biosample link_climate_info range TextValue
Biosample local_class range TextValue
Biosample local_class_meth range TextValue
Biosample mechanical_damage range TextValue
Biosample mineral_nutr_regm range TextValue
Biosample misc_param range TextValue
Biosample n_alkanes range TextValue
Biosample org_particles range TextValue
Biosample particle_class range TextValue
Biosample permeability range TextValue
Biosample perturbation range TextValue
Biosample pesticide_regm range TextValue
Biosample ph_meth range TextValue
Biosample ph_regm range TextValue
Biosample phaeopigments range TextValue
Biosample phosplipid_fatt_acid range TextValue
Biosample plant_product range TextValue
Biosample pollutants range TextValue
Biosample porosity range TextValue
Biosample pre_treatment range TextValue
Biosample previous_land_use range TextValue
Biosample primary_treatment range TextValue
Biosample radiation_regm range TextValue
Biosample rainfall_regm range TextValue
Biosample reactor_type range TextValue
Biosample reservoir range TextValue
Biosample resins_pc range TextValue
Biosample room_count range TextValue
Biosample room_dim range TextValue
Biosample room_door_dist range TextValue
Biosample room_door_share range TextValue
Biosample room_hallway range TextValue
Biosample room_net_area range TextValue
Biosample room_vol range TextValue
Biosample room_wall_share range TextValue
Biosample root_cond range TextValue
Biosample root_med_carbon range TextValue
Biosample root_med_macronutr range TextValue
Biosample root_med_micronutr range TextValue
Biosample root_med_regl range TextValue
Biosample root_med_solid range TextValue
Biosample root_med_suppl range TextValue
Biosample salinity_meth range TextValue
Biosample salt_regm range TextValue
Biosample samp_loc_corr_rate range TextValue
Biosample samp_preserv range TextValue
Biosample samp_room_id range TextValue
Biosample samp_sort_meth range TextValue
Biosample samp_store_dur range TextValue
Biosample samp_store_loc range TextValue
Biosample samp_time_out range TextValue
Biosample samp_transport_cond range TextValue
Biosample samp_tvdss range TextValue
Biosample samp_type range TextValue
Biosample samp_well_name range TextValue
Biosample saturates_pc range TextValue
Biosample season range TextValue
Biosample season_environment range TextValue
Biosample secondary_treatment range TextValue
Biosample sewage_type range TextValue
Biosample shading_device_loc range TextValue
Biosample shading_device_mat range TextValue
Biosample sieving range TextValue
Biosample size_frac range TextValue
Biosample soil_type range TextValue
Biosample soil_type_meth range TextValue
Biosample soluble_inorg_mat range TextValue
Biosample soluble_org_mat range TextValue
Biosample source_mat_id range TextValue
Biosample space_typ_state range TextValue
Biosample standing_water_regm range TextValue
Biosample store_cond range TextValue
Biosample suspend_solids range TextValue
Biosample tertiary_treatment range TextValue
Biosample tiss_cult_growth_med range TextValue
Biosample tot_org_c_meth range TextValue
Biosample ventilation_type range TextValue
Biosample viscosity range TextValue
Biosample volatile_org_comp range TextValue
Biosample wall_water_mold range TextValue
Biosample wastewater_type range TextValue
Biosample water_temp_regm range TextValue
Biosample watering_regm range TextValue
Biosample win range TextValue
Biosample wind_direction range TextValue
Biosample window_open_freq range TextValue
Biosample window_size range TextValue
Biosample window_status range TextValue
Biosample window_water_mold range TextValue

Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source


Mapping Type Mapped Value

LinkML Source


name: TextValue
description: A basic string value
is_a: AttributeValue
- language
class_uri: nmdc:TextValue


name: TextValue
description: A basic string value
is_a: AttributeValue
    name: language
    description: Should use ISO 639-1 code e.g. "en", "fr"
    rank: 1000
    alias: language
    owner: TextValue
    - TextValue
    range: language_code
    name: has_raw_value
    description: The value that was specified for an annotation in raw form, i.e.
      a string. E.g. "2 cm" or "2-4 cm"
    rank: 1000
    alias: has_raw_value
    owner: TextValue
    - AttributeValue
    range: string
    name: type
    description: the class_uri of the class that has been instantiated
    - replaces legacy nmdc:type slot
    - makes it easier to read example data files
    - required for polymorphic MongoDB collections
    - value: nmdc:Biosample
    - value: nmdc:Study
        literal_form: workflow_execution_class
        predicate: NARROW_SYNONYM
    rank: 1000
    slot_uri: rdf:type
    designates_type: true
    alias: type
    owner: TextValue
    - EukEval
    - FunctionalAnnotationAggMember
    - PeptideQuantification
    - ProteinQuantification
    - MobilePhaseSegment
    - PortionOfSubstance
    - MagBin
    - MetaboliteIdentification
    - GenomeFeature
    - FunctionalAnnotation
    - AttributeValue
    - NamedThing
    - OntologyRelation
    - FailureCategorization
    - Protocol
    - CreditAssociation
    - Doi
    range: uriorcurie
    required: true
class_uri: nmdc:TextValue