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Slot: has_raw_value

The value that was specified for an annotation in raw form, i.e. a string. E.g. "2 cm" or "2-4 cm"

URI: nmdc:has_raw_value

Applicable Classes

Name Description Modifies Slot
TextValue A basic string value no
PersonValue An attribute value representing a person yes
UrlValue A value that is a string that conforms to URL syntax no
TimestampValue A value that is a timestamp no
ControlledIdentifiedTermValue A controlled term or class from an ontology, requiring the presence of term w... no
ControlledTermValue A controlled term or class from an ontology no
QuantityValue A simple quantity, e yes
GeolocationValue A normalized value for a location on the earth's surface yes
AttributeValue The value for any value of a attribute for a sample no
BooleanValue A value that is a boolean no
IntegerValue A value that is an integer no
ImageValue An attribute value representing an image no


Identifier and Mapping Information

Schema Source

LinkML Source

name: has_raw_value
description: The value that was specified for an annotation in raw form, i.e. a string.
  E.g. "2 cm" or "2-4 cm"
rank: 1000
domain: AttributeValue
multivalued: false
alias: has_raw_value
- AttributeValue
- QuantityValue
range: string