0 CE - 2025 CE
Country Austria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Salzburg Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Erzabtei St. Peter. Bibliothek Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark Codex S. Petri Salisburgensis b III 22
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 143 leaf(ves)
Century(ies) 14th century
Language(s) Latin
Genre(s) Correspondence; Hymns; Scientific works; Sermons

Quarto; fol. 134r-135v are blank

Ext. Bibliography

Augustin Jungwirth, Katalog der Handschriften des Stiftes St. Peter in Salzburg (unpublished manuscript, 1910-1912)

HMML Proj. Num.


Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/10654
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Microform
Access Restrictions On-site only or order a scan
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 143 leaf(ves)
Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 14th century
Year Range 1300-1400
Writing System Roman
Item Location fol. 2r-29r
Author William, of Saint-Thierry, Abbot, approximately 1085-1148? Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Epistola ad fratres de Monte Dei
Uniform Title William, of Saint-Thierry, Abbot of Saint-Thierry, approximately 1085-1148? De vita solitaria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Dominis et amicis et fratribus B. porici sabbatum dicatum
Item Notes

Attributed also to Bernard of Clairvaux

Item Location fol. 29r-31v
Title De meditatione
Associated Name Hugh, of Saint-Victor, 1096?-1141 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Meditatio est frequens cogitatio. Modum causam
Item Notes

Attributed to Hugh of Saint-Victor

Item Location fol. 31v-32r
Title Epistola
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Fac ut solutus ab omnibus nich(?) que eremum
Item Notes

Excerpt attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux

Item Location fol. 32v-38v
Title Contemplatio super septem horas
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Septies in die laudem . . . Rogasti me ut aliquem modum contemplandi
Item Notes

Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux

Item Location fol. 38v-39r
Title Sermo de passione Domini
Associated Name Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033-1109 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Exiuit ihesus de pretorio . . . Attende anima
Item Notes

Attributed to Anselm of Canterbury

Item Location fol. 44r-55v
Title De contemptu mundi
Uniform Title Meditationes de interiori homine Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Multi multa sciunt et semetipsos nesciunt
Item Notes

Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux

Item Location fol. 56r-117v
Author Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 1161-1216 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Accessus de officio Missae
Uniform Title Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 1161-1216. De sacro altaris mysterio Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Tria sunt in quibus praecipue diuina lex consistit
Item Location fol. 118r-131r
Author Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours, 1056?-1133 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Carmen de sacrificio Missae
Uniform Title Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours, 1056?-1133. De mysterio missae Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 1161-1216 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Scribere disposui que mistica sacra priorum
Item Notes

Attributed to Pope Innocent III (?)

Item Location fol. 132r-133v
Title Legenda per octavam Assumptionis
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Ewangelistarum ileco (?) fuit in filio
Item Location fol. 136r-143v
Title Descriptio naturae duodecim animalium
Uniform Title Physiologus Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Albertus, Magnus, 1193?-1280 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Thomas, de Cantimpré, approximately 1200-approximately 1270 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Tres leo naturas et tres habet inde figuras
Item Notes

Excerpt from the Physiologus (?); attributed to Albertus Magnus or Thomas de Cantimpré (?)

Country Austria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Salzburg Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Erzabtei St. Peter. Bibliothek Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark Codex S. Petri Salisburgensis b III 22
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 143 leaf(ves)
Century(ies) 14th century
Language(s) Latin
Genre(s) Correspondence; Hymns; Scientific works; Sermons

Quarto; fol. 134r-135v are blank

Ext. Bibliography

Augustin Jungwirth, Katalog der Handschriften des Stiftes St. Peter in Salzburg (unpublished manuscript, 1910-1912)

HMML Proj. Num.


Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/10654
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Microform
Access Restrictions On-site only or order a scan
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 143 leaf(ves)
Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 14th century
Year Range 1300-1400
Writing System Roman
Item Location fol. 2r-29r
Author William, of Saint-Thierry, Abbot, approximately 1085-1148? Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Epistola ad fratres de Monte Dei
Uniform Title William, of Saint-Thierry, Abbot of Saint-Thierry, approximately 1085-1148? De vita solitaria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Dominis et amicis et fratribus B. porici sabbatum dicatum
Item Notes

Attributed also to Bernard of Clairvaux

Item Location fol. 29r-31v
Title De meditatione
Associated Name Hugh, of Saint-Victor, 1096?-1141 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Meditatio est frequens cogitatio. Modum causam
Item Notes

Attributed to Hugh of Saint-Victor

Item Location fol. 31v-32r
Title Epistola
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Fac ut solutus ab omnibus nich(?) que eremum
Item Notes

Excerpt attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux

Item Location fol. 32v-38v
Title Contemplatio super septem horas
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Septies in die laudem . . . Rogasti me ut aliquem modum contemplandi
Item Notes

Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux

Item Location fol. 38v-39r
Title Sermo de passione Domini
Associated Name Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033-1109 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Exiuit ihesus de pretorio . . . Attende anima
Item Notes

Attributed to Anselm of Canterbury

Item Location fol. 44r-55v
Title De contemptu mundi
Uniform Title Meditationes de interiori homine Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Bernard, of Clairvaux, 1090 or 1091-1153 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Multi multa sciunt et semetipsos nesciunt
Item Notes

Attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux

Item Location fol. 56r-117v
Author Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 1161-1216 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Accessus de officio Missae
Uniform Title Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 1161-1216. De sacro altaris mysterio Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Tria sunt in quibus praecipue diuina lex consistit
Item Location fol. 118r-131r
Author Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours, 1056?-1133 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Carmen de sacrificio Missae
Uniform Title Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours, 1056?-1133. De mysterio missae Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Innocent III, Pope, 1160 or 1161-1216 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Scribere disposui que mistica sacra priorum
Item Notes

Attributed to Pope Innocent III (?)

Item Location fol. 132r-133v
Title Legenda per octavam Assumptionis
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Ewangelistarum ileco (?) fuit in filio
Item Location fol. 136r-143v
Title Descriptio naturae duodecim animalium
Uniform Title Physiologus Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Albertus, Magnus, 1193?-1280 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Thomas, de Cantimpré, approximately 1200-approximately 1270 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Latin
Incipit Tres leo naturas et tres habet inde figuras
Item Notes

Excerpt from the Physiologus (?); attributed to Albertus Magnus or Thomas de Cantimpré (?)

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