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Country Italy Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Rome Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Biblioteca dell'Accademia nazionale dei Lincei e corsiniana Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark MS Or. 332
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 174 leaf(ves)
Language(s) Arabic
Genre(s) Apologetic writings

Renato Traini, I manoscritti arabi di recente accessione della Fondazione Caetani (1967); Suleiman A. Mourad, "Ibn al-Khallāl al-Baṣrī (d. after 377/988) and His Oeuvre on the Problematic Verses of the Qurʼān Kitāb al-Radd ʻalā al-jabriyya al-qadariyya (Refutation of the Predestinarian Compulsionists," A Common Rationality: Muʻtazilism in Islam and Judaism (2016), pp. 81-99.

HMML Proj. Num.

ZMT 01731

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/144536
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments The “Zaydi Manuscript Tradition” Project, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton & Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome
Surrogate Format Digital
Access Restrictions Registered
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 174 leaf(ves)

Formerly Rossi 31

Type Manuscript
Place of Origin Yemen
Writing System Arabic
Script(s) Naskh
Title NS كتاب الرد على الجبرية القدرية فيما تعلقوا به من متشابه آي القرآن الكريم
Language(s) Arabic
Country Italy Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Rome Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Biblioteca dell'Accademia nazionale dei Lincei e corsiniana Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark MS Or. 332
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 174 leaf(ves)
Language(s) Arabic
Genre(s) Apologetic writings

Renato Traini, I manoscritti arabi di recente accessione della Fondazione Caetani (1967); Suleiman A. Mourad, "Ibn al-Khallāl al-Baṣrī (d. after 377/988) and His Oeuvre on the Problematic Verses of the Qurʼān Kitāb al-Radd ʻalā al-jabriyya al-qadariyya (Refutation of the Predestinarian Compulsionists," A Common Rationality: Muʻtazilism in Islam and Judaism (2016), pp. 81-99.

HMML Proj. Num.

ZMT 01731

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/144536
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments The “Zaydi Manuscript Tradition” Project, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton & Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome
Surrogate Format Digital
Access Restrictions Registered
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 174 leaf(ves)

Formerly Rossi 31

Type Manuscript
Place of Origin Yemen
Writing System Arabic
Script(s) Naskh
Title NS كتاب الرد على الجبرية القدرية فيما تعلقوا به من متشابه آي القرآن الكريم
Language(s) Arabic
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