0 CE - 2025 CE
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Country Turkey Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Mardin Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Church of the Forty Martyrs
Shelfmark MS 256
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 513 page(s)
Century(ies) 17th century
Language(s) Syriac
HMML Proj. Num.

CFMM 00256

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/502144
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Initial metadata by Adam McCollum; additional cataloging by James E. Walters
Surrogate Format Digital
Access Restrictions Registered
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 513 page(s)
Binding Dimensions 31.5 x 22 x 6 cm

Waqf note for Dayr al-Za‘farān; waqf note for Church of the Forty Martyrs dated 1971

Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 17th century
Year Range 1671
Date Precise 1671
Native Date Precise 1976 AG; 1982 AG
Support Paper
Page Layout 2 columns, 30 lines per page
Writing System Syriac
Script(s) Serto

Dates on pages 309, 336, 344, 357, and 513

Title Lives of saints
Associated Name Leontius, Bishop of Neapolis, active 7th century Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Šemʻun bar ʻAmrāye, -815
Associated Name Severus, of Antioch, approximately 465-538 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Syriac
Contents Detail

Life of Jacob of Serugh, pages 1-8; Letter that came from heaven, pages 8-13; Life of Ignatius of Antioch, pages 13-19; Life of Clement, disciple of Simon Peter, pages 19-26; Life of Cyriacus and Julietta, pages 26-30; Life of Martinius, pages 31-35; Life of Awtel, pages 38-52; Life of Dimet, pages 52-62; Life of Abraham Kidunaia by Ephrem the Syrian, pages 62-83; Story of Mark the merchant and Gaspar the pagan, pages 83-95; Life of John of the well, pages 95-107; Life of Simeon the holy fool and John by Leontius of Neapolis, pags 108-152; Life of Abraham of Kashkar and other solitaries, pages 152-156; Life of Malke, nephew of Awgen, pages 156-184; Story about the apostle Thomas by Simeon of Tagrit, pages 184-195; Life of Isaiah of Aleppo, pages 195-216; Life of Abba Isaiah [of Scetis], pages 216-225; Life of Eulogius the Egyptian mourner, pages 225-254; Life of Jacob of Nisibis, pages 254-260; Story of a vision of Ephrem, pages 261-264; Life of Nicholas, that is, Zaka, bishop of Myra, pages 264-271; Life of Abḥai, pages 271-309; Life of Ephrem the Syrian, pages 309-336; Story of Job the righteous, pages 338-344; Story of Jonah the prophet, pages 344-349; Letter of Severus of Antioch when he was pursued by the Chalcedonians, pages 349-357; Story of the capture of Dara the city, pages 358-359; Extract on the victory over Nestorius, pages 359-362; Life of Barṣawli [Barṣawma] of Nisibis, pages 362-368; Story of the discovery of the head of John the baptist, pages 372-376; Miracles of Barṣawma, pages 378-477; Life of Theodore the martyr, pages 480-495

Country Turkey Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Mardin Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Church of the Forty Martyrs
Shelfmark MS 256
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 513 page(s)
Century(ies) 17th century
Language(s) Syriac
HMML Proj. Num.

CFMM 00256

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/502144
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Initial metadata by Adam McCollum; additional cataloging by James E. Walters
Surrogate Format Digital
Access Restrictions Registered
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 513 page(s)
Binding Dimensions 31.5 x 22 x 6 cm

Waqf note for Dayr al-Za‘farān; waqf note for Church of the Forty Martyrs dated 1971

Type Manuscript
Century(ies) 17th century
Year Range 1671
Date Precise 1671
Native Date Precise 1976 AG; 1982 AG
Support Paper
Page Layout 2 columns, 30 lines per page
Writing System Syriac
Script(s) Serto

Dates on pages 309, 336, 344, 357, and 513

Title Lives of saints
Associated Name Leontius, Bishop of Neapolis, active 7th century Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Šemʻun bar ʻAmrāye, -815
Associated Name Severus, of Antioch, approximately 465-538 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Syriac
Contents Detail

Life of Jacob of Serugh, pages 1-8; Letter that came from heaven, pages 8-13; Life of Ignatius of Antioch, pages 13-19; Life of Clement, disciple of Simon Peter, pages 19-26; Life of Cyriacus and Julietta, pages 26-30; Life of Martinius, pages 31-35; Life of Awtel, pages 38-52; Life of Dimet, pages 52-62; Life of Abraham Kidunaia by Ephrem the Syrian, pages 62-83; Story of Mark the merchant and Gaspar the pagan, pages 83-95; Life of John of the well, pages 95-107; Life of Simeon the holy fool and John by Leontius of Neapolis, pags 108-152; Life of Abraham of Kashkar and other solitaries, pages 152-156; Life of Malke, nephew of Awgen, pages 156-184; Story about the apostle Thomas by Simeon of Tagrit, pages 184-195; Life of Isaiah of Aleppo, pages 195-216; Life of Abba Isaiah [of Scetis], pages 216-225; Life of Eulogius the Egyptian mourner, pages 225-254; Life of Jacob of Nisibis, pages 254-260; Story of a vision of Ephrem, pages 261-264; Life of Nicholas, that is, Zaka, bishop of Myra, pages 264-271; Life of Abḥai, pages 271-309; Life of Ephrem the Syrian, pages 309-336; Story of Job the righteous, pages 338-344; Story of Jonah the prophet, pages 344-349; Letter of Severus of Antioch when he was pursued by the Chalcedonians, pages 349-357; Story of the capture of Dara the city, pages 358-359; Extract on the victory over Nestorius, pages 359-362; Life of Barṣawli [Barṣawma] of Nisibis, pages 362-368; Story of the discovery of the head of John the baptist, pages 372-376; Miracles of Barṣawma, pages 378-477; Life of Theodore the martyr, pages 480-495

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