0 CE - 2025 CE
Country Austria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Vienna Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark Cod. Mixt. 58
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 85 leaf(ves)
Century(ies) 15th-18th century
Language(s) Persian
Genre(s) Poems

Gustav Flügel, Die arabischen, persischen und türkischen Handschriften der kaiserlich-königlichen Hofbibliothek zu Wien (1865), vol. 1, 427.

Ext. Bibliography

ÖNB Katalog

HMML Proj. Num.


Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/529310
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Cataloged by Joshua Mugler
Surrogate Format Microform
Access Restrictions On-site only or order a scan
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 85 leaf(ves)
Foliation Modern foliation in Arabic numerals

Ownership note of شاه محمد ابن محمد الفناري, front flyleaf; ownership note of احمد, front flyleaf

Type Manuscript
Part Location fol. 3v-59v
Place of Origin Turkey, Bursa
Century(ies) 15th century
Year Range 1494
Date Precise 1494
Native Date Precise 899 AH
Support Paper
Page Layout 1-2 column(s), 17 lines per page
Writing System Arabic
Script(s) Nasta‘līq

Copied by بكى بن خليل. Colophon, fol. 59v

Type Manuscript
Part Location fol. 60v-85r
Century(ies) 18th century
Year Range 1799
Date Precise 1799 August
Native Date Precise 29 Rabīʻ al-Awwal 1214 AH
Support Paper
Page Layout 2 columns, 15 lines per page
Catchwords Yes
Writing System Arabic
Script(s) Dīwānī

Copied by اسمعيل بن خليل. Colophon, fol. 83v

Author Busḥāq Aṭʻimah Shīrāzī, Ḥallāj, active 15th century Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Author NS جمال الدين ابو إسحق المعروف بحلاج
Title Kanz al-ishtihāʼ
Title NS كنز الاشتها
Uniform Title Busḥāq Aṭʻimah Shīrāzī, Ḥallāj, active 15th century. Poems Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Alternate Title Treasure of appetite
Language(s) Persian
Incipit سباس بى قياس وحمد بى عدد رزاق بى سبب
Author Busḥāq Aṭʻimah Shīrāzī, Ḥallāj, active 15th century Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Author NS شيخ بسحاق حلاج
Title Kanz al-ishtihāʼ
Title NS كنز الاشتهاء
Uniform Title Busḥāq Aṭʻimah Shīrāzī, Ḥallāj, active 15th century. Poems Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Alternate Title Treasure of appetite
Associated Name Dawlatshāh Samarqandī, -approximately 1494 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Persian
Item Notes

Biographical note on the author from Dawlatshāh Samarqandī's history Taẕkirat al-shuʻarāʼ, fol. 83v-85r

Country Austria Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Vienna Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Repository Österreichische Nationalbibliothek Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Shelfmark Cod. Mixt. 58
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 85 leaf(ves)
Century(ies) 15th-18th century
Language(s) Persian
Genre(s) Poems

Gustav Flügel, Die arabischen, persischen und türkischen Handschriften der kaiserlich-königlichen Hofbibliothek zu Wien (1865), vol. 1, 427.

Ext. Bibliography

ÖNB Katalog

HMML Proj. Num.


Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/529310
Processed By HMML
Acknowledgments Cataloged by Joshua Mugler
Surrogate Format Microform
Access Restrictions On-site only or order a scan
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Manuscript
Extent 85 leaf(ves)
Foliation Modern foliation in Arabic numerals

Ownership note of شاه محمد ابن محمد الفناري, front flyleaf; ownership note of احمد, front flyleaf

Type Manuscript
Part Location fol. 3v-59v
Place of Origin Turkey, Bursa
Century(ies) 15th century
Year Range 1494
Date Precise 1494
Native Date Precise 899 AH
Support Paper
Page Layout 1-2 column(s), 17 lines per page
Writing System Arabic
Script(s) Nasta‘līq

Copied by بكى بن خليل. Colophon, fol. 59v

Author Busḥāq Aṭʻimah Shīrāzī, Ḥallāj, active 15th century Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Author NS جمال الدين ابو إسحق المعروف بحلاج
Title Kanz al-ishtihāʼ
Title NS كنز الاشتها
Uniform Title Busḥāq Aṭʻimah Shīrāzī, Ḥallāj, active 15th century. Poems Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Alternate Title Treasure of appetite
Language(s) Persian
Incipit سباس بى قياس وحمد بى عدد رزاق بى سبب
Type Manuscript
Part Location fol. 60v-85r
Century(ies) 18th century
Year Range 1799
Date Precise 1799 August
Native Date Precise 29 Rabīʻ al-Awwal 1214 AH
Support Paper
Page Layout 2 columns, 15 lines per page
Catchwords Yes
Writing System Arabic
Script(s) Dīwānī

Copied by اسمعيل بن خليل. Colophon, fol. 83v

Author Busḥāq Aṭʻimah Shīrāzī, Ḥallāj, active 15th century Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Author NS شيخ بسحاق حلاج
Title Kanz al-ishtihāʼ
Title NS كنز الاشتهاء
Uniform Title Busḥāq Aṭʻimah Shīrāzī, Ḥallāj, active 15th century. Poems Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Alternate Title Treasure of appetite
Associated Name Dawlatshāh Samarqandī, -approximately 1494 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Language(s) Persian
Item Notes

Biographical note on the author from Dawlatshāh Samarqandī's history Taẕkirat al-shuʻarāʼ, fol. 83v-85r

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