0 CE - 2025 CE

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Country United States Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Collegeville (Minn.) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Holding Institution Saint John's University (Collegeville, Minn.)
Repository Saint John's University. Rare Book and Manuscript Collection
Shelfmark Oversize QC859.R37 1709
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Print
Extent 306 page(s)
Century(ies) 18th century
Language(s) Latin
Genre(s) Scientific works
Feature(s) Engraving(s)
HMML Proj. Num.

SJRB 00636

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/628573
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Digital
Access Restrictions Unregistered or order a digital copy
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Print
Extent 306 page(s)

[5], 297, [3] pages


Bound in parchment; engraving of Augsburg (Germany) on rear pastedown

Binding Dimensions 32.2 x 21 x 4.4 cm

Acquired by the Abbey of Ottobeuren (Germany) in 1710 and given by the Abbey of Ottobeuren to Saint John's Abbey in 1877

Type Printed
Place of Printing Germany, Augsburg
Printing Statement Augustae Vindelicorum, impensis Jeremiae Wolfii, chalcographicae artis propolae. Typis Petri Detleffsii. Anno [M] DCCIX.
Century(ies) 18th century
Year Range 1709
Date Precise 1709
Support Paper
Font(s) Roman
Associated Name Wolf, Jeremias, 1663?-1724 (Publisher) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1678-1711 (Dedicatee) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Detlefsen, Peter, 1679-1724 (Printer) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF

Emblems employing meteorological imagery to express political and philosophical comments


Dedicated to Emperor Joseph I

Author Reinzer, Franciscus, 1661-1708 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Meteorologia philosophico-politica, in duodecim dissertationes per quaestiones meteorologicas et conclusiones politicas divisa, appositisque symbolis illustrata
Alternate Title Meteorologia philosophico-politica
Language(s) Latin
Country United States Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
City Collegeville (Minn.) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Holding Institution Saint John's University (Collegeville, Minn.)
Repository Saint John's University. Rare Book and Manuscript Collection
Shelfmark Oversize QC859.R37 1709
Current Status In situ
Type of Record Print
Extent 306 page(s)
Century(ies) 18th century
Language(s) Latin
Genre(s) Scientific works
Feature(s) Engraving(s)
HMML Proj. Num.

SJRB 00636

Permanent Link https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/628573
Processed By HMML
Surrogate Format Digital
Access Restrictions Unregistered or order a digital copy
Rights http://www.vhmml.org/terms
Type of Record Print
Extent 306 page(s)

[5], 297, [3] pages


Bound in parchment; engraving of Augsburg (Germany) on rear pastedown

Binding Dimensions 32.2 x 21 x 4.4 cm

Acquired by the Abbey of Ottobeuren (Germany) in 1710 and given by the Abbey of Ottobeuren to Saint John's Abbey in 1877

Type Printed
Place of Printing Germany, Augsburg
Printing Statement Augustae Vindelicorum, impensis Jeremiae Wolfii, chalcographicae artis propolae. Typis Petri Detleffsii. Anno [M] DCCIX.
Century(ies) 18th century
Year Range 1709
Date Precise 1709
Support Paper
Font(s) Roman
Associated Name Wolf, Jeremias, 1663?-1724 (Publisher) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor, 1678-1711 (Dedicatee) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Associated Name Detlefsen, Peter, 1679-1724 (Printer) Library of Congress Authorities VIAF

Emblems employing meteorological imagery to express political and philosophical comments


Dedicated to Emperor Joseph I

Author Reinzer, Franciscus, 1661-1708 Library of Congress Authorities VIAF
Title Meteorologia philosophico-politica, in duodecim dissertationes per quaestiones meteorologicas et conclusiones politicas divisa, appositisque symbolis illustrata
Alternate Title Meteorologia philosophico-politica
Language(s) Latin
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