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title Digital Gazetteers
author Johan Åhlfeldt, Tom Elliott, Valeria Vitale
description This presentation offers a general introduction to historical gazetteers and deals with important issues such as the modelling of places, contributions and data sharing, with particular attention to the Pleiades Project, the Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire and Recogito
date 2019/10/31– 2019/10/31
language en
institution Sunoikisis DC
format Seminar
medium Video
location Online

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Signal and Noise: Epigraphic Ventures in Machine Learning
This module offers an overview of ongoing epigraphic machine learning projects (NLP and Text Restoration, classification, computer vision) discussing specific issues, future developments and critical caveats.
Digital Written Artefacts
Master in Manuscript Cultures
This module illustrates the Claros database, which allows you to quickly track re-editions and translations of Greek inscriptions published over the last century and provides concordances among epigraphic corpora
Signal and Noise: Epigraphic Ventures in Machine Learning
This module offers an overview of ongoing epigraphic machine learning projects (NLP and Text Restoration, classification, computer vision) discussing specific issues, future developments and critical caveats.
ENCODE DGLE Workshop 2021
The Workshop has been organized as part of the first Multiplier Event of the ENCODE Project and deals mainly with the EpiDoc xml language, Digital Epigraphy and Papyrology, the use of XML editors (Oxygen) and publishing tools (EFES)
The Artificial Papyrologist at work: Digital Papyrology and the AI
This module offers an overview of ongoing papyrological machine learning projects in the field of automated deciphering and identifying hands, restoring fragments and lacunae and performing linguistic analysis and data mining and discusses specific issues, future developments and critical caveats.
Alpheios et sim.
Intervento di Pietro Liuzzo per il corso di Didattica del Greco del Prof. Massimo Magnani Parte del progetto Bridging the <gap> in Ancient Writing Cultures: ENhance COmpetences in the Digital Era. Modulo di competenze digitali specifiche di base.
Automated Linguistic Annotation of Latin
The module illustrates the existing standards for linguistic annotation (lemmatization, morphological tagging, syntactic parsing), the main AI methodologies for performing the tagging automatically and surveys the existing tool for annotating Latin texts.
Digital Resources for Epigraphy
This module illustrates the main databases for Greek and Latin Epigraphy to retrieve texts, images, concordances, indices and catalogues
PHI Greek Inscriptions
This module illustrates the database of Greek inscriptions created by the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI) and its search functions
Second Thoughts on Traditional Critical Editions and Scholarly Digital Editions
This module illustrates some thoughts about scholarly digital editions, providing examples of resources
EAGLE dedicated services and their educational potential
This presentation was delivered within a one day workshop on the educational application and social impact of digital scholarly editions (DiXiT workshop: The educational and social impact of Digital Scholarly Edition, organized by Digilab and DiXiT network). It illustrates the main tools of the EAGLE Europeana platform and some projects, which highlight how digital epigraphic projects can be used in secondary school for dissemination of knowledge about inscriptions as cultural heritage
Approaching papyri from different angles: content, materiality and history
Encode Winter School (Würzburg)
This module illustrates the database Axon - Greek Historical Inscriptions, which offers a digital selection of Greek inscriptions with particular historical relevance
Poinikastas and AIO
This module explains the search functions offered by the Poinikastas Database, which contains archaic Greek inscriptions, and the AIO Database (Attic Inscriptions Online), which offers the English translation of Attic inscriptions
Digitization, mark-up and linguistic annotation of the Mycenaean documents
The presentation contains a short introduction to to digitization, mark-up and linguistic annotation of the Mycenaean documents. It was held during the ENCODE Digital Epigraphy Workshop (University of Parma, 24th-27th May 2022)
ENCODE DGLE Workshop 2021
The Workshop has been organized as part of the first Multiplier Event of the ENCODE Project and deals mainly with the EpiDoc xml language, Digital Epigraphy and Papyrology, the use of XML editors (Oxygen) and publishing tools (EFES)
Alpheios et sim.
Intervento di Pietro Liuzzo per il corso di Didattica del Greco del Prof. Massimo Magnani Parte del progetto Bridging the <gap> in Ancient Writing Cultures: ENhance COmpetences in the Digital Era. Modulo di competenze digitali specifiche di base.
Aggregating and reusing available data about Written Artefacts: Query methods
Aggregating and reusing available data about Written Artefacts: Query methods From a research question to a formal query (producing a good query) From a query to the data for a research question (analysis of responses)
Aggregating and reusing available data about Written Artefacts: Query methods
Aggregating and reusing available data about Written Artefacts: Query methods From a research question to a formal query (producing a good query) From a query to the data for a research question (analysis of responses)
A papyrological Wiki
Encode Winter School (Würzburg)
Reusing Data
Reusing the data from stored dumps, citing Beta maṣāḥǝft, reusing the bibliography, reusing the database, APIs available.
Digital editions of papyri
Encode Winter School (Würzburg)
Signal and Noise: Epigraphic Ventures in Machine Learning
This module offers an overview of ongoing epigraphic machine learning projects (NLP and Text Restoration, classification, computer vision) discussing specific issues, future developments and critical caveats.
Introduction into XPATH and XSLT, and to EpiDoc-related tools.
This module illustrates the Claros database, which allows you to quickly track re-editions and translations of Greek inscriptions published over the last century and provides concordances among epigraphic corpora
Signal and Noise: Epigraphic Ventures in Machine Learning
This module offers an overview of ongoing epigraphic machine learning projects (NLP and Text Restoration, classification, computer vision) discussing specific issues, future developments and critical caveats.
Introduction to Beta maṣāḥǝft
General introduction, introduction to GitHub workflow, Dillmann lexicon, and morphological parser
ENCODE DGLE Workshop 2021
The Workshop has been organized as part of the first Multiplier Event of the ENCODE Project and deals mainly with the EpiDoc xml language, Digital Epigraphy and Papyrology, the use of XML editors (Oxygen) and publishing tools (EFES)
Beta Maṣāḥǝft Training Modules
The training is designed to provide an overview of TEI XML, and specifically of the encoding practices of the project Beta Maṣāḥǝft.
The Artificial Papyrologist at work: Digital Papyrology and the AI
This module offers an overview of ongoing papyrological machine learning projects in the field of automated deciphering and identifying hands, restoring fragments and lacunae and performing linguistic analysis and data mining and discusses specific issues, future developments and critical caveats.
Automated Linguistic Annotation of Latin
The module illustrates the existing standards for linguistic annotation (lemmatization, morphological tagging, syntactic parsing), the main AI methodologies for performing the tagging automatically and surveys the existing tool for annotating Latin texts.
Taking a tour in the Online Lexicon Linguae Aethiopicae
Th module shows different functionalities and views in the application.
Digital Resources for Epigraphy
This module illustrates the main databases for Greek and Latin Epigraphy to retrieve texts, images, concordances, indices and catalogues
PHI Greek Inscriptions
This module illustrates the database of Greek inscriptions created by the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI) and its search functions
TEI and EpiDoc Guidelines
Introduction into TEI and EpiDoc Guidelines
Second Thoughts on Traditional Critical Editions and Scholarly Digital Editions
This module illustrates some thoughts about scholarly digital editions, providing examples of resources
This module illustrates the database Axon - Greek Historical Inscriptions, which offers a digital selection of Greek inscriptions with particular historical relevance
Poinikastas and AIO
This module explains the search functions offered by the Poinikastas Database, which contains archaic Greek inscriptions, and the AIO Database (Attic Inscriptions Online), which offers the English translation of Attic inscriptions
Introduction to the Beta maṣāḥǝft Guidelines
Describes the different sources of guidelines and the reference materials to keep bookmarked.
EpiDoc for Mycenaean inscriptions
The workshop is a hands-on, collaborative, group work on completing the alignment of EpiDoc with the Wingspread Conventions, with the aim – in addition to provide a new encoding tool for Mycenologists – of giving and in-depth picture of the workings of EpiDoc and how it can be adapted to different epigraphic traditions.
Digitization, mark-up and linguistic annotation of the Mycenaean documents
The presentation contains a short introduction to to digitization, mark-up and linguistic annotation of the Mycenaean documents. It was held during the ENCODE Digital Epigraphy Workshop (University of Parma, 24th-27th May 2022)

From the triple store.

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